
And another today. Fished little q solo on low tide first pass hit one about 25 lbs on green/white coyote at 35ft. Put up a suprisingly awful fight thought it was a 8lb fish. I was trying to fight it and net it at the same time and it kept doin those dreaded headshakes over and over on the surface. Finally at the net it spit it back in my face. It was also starting to get colored up. No other fish seen hooked out of about 20.
I didnt see any hook anything jiggin. Went back out with bigredsnapper and we went 4 for 8. Let one go and bonked three. Nothing huge kept 10-15lbs but it was a hoot! All on anchovies in about an hourish span.The fish were packed with needlefish and some were showing some color. Ill post pics tommorow night maybe as were goin another long fish tommorow
Hopefully I will be on the water Thursday. See you there.
Ryan gervais gave me a call on the cell tonight. He got a 43 lb spring at 200 ft off french creek. Biggest fish ever. He was pretty excited.
Was just gonna post that up. Somebody said they saw a 45lber i said bull and he said he saw the fish! thats a hog! guy said it was a bit colored and on white hootch. Me and bigredsnapper fished the little q. After hittin 8 lastnight we only hit 2 today. We had to leave as the bite heated up. We got one small maybe 6 lber. We decided to fish 5 more minutes since a song we liked came on and bam. Was a good fish but broke off after 5 seconds to junk line. Was gregs birthday and my last day in bc. Would have been icing on the cake but oh well next year. Tight lines to the end of the season boys
Hey Kelly, I'll bet that 45lber had my flasher draggin behind it! I'm gonna change my line today, I thought strippin off a bunch would help but obviously not enough. Ya and about that song I guess I'll stay and you go.(that fish would have been a good ending to that song)I'm sure you'll be keeping an eye on this site anyway so I'll do my best to catch lots of fish and keep you updated. It was good to fish with you, give me a ring when you get back.
at the little q today...nothing caught that i saw.
maybe the fish went up the river during the recent rain
14 lber 5:30 PM at Big Q today. White hotchie, green hotspot flasher at 17 ft. Lots of fish around but only saw 2 others landed.
Little Q tonight...managed a 24 lb on chovie. 30+ boats, only saw 2 other fish caught. There are plenty of fish showing, but there's also baitfish everywhere so the salmon may have full bellys.
i got a 10 lb coho at 5.25 pm yesterday. I guess the bite was "on" for all of 5 minutes.

Catching was better yesterday. Still not a lot of fish caught, 4 or 5 that i saw or heard of, but what a beautiful day.
I didn't see anything caught today. I heard of one only.
Myself, I got nothing. Not even a nibble. It was the same story from everyone that I talked to.
They were jumping thought. To the left, to the right, in front, behind.... but they wouldnt bite.
This is at the Little Q.
Anybody else?
I was there from about 11;30 AM to about 5 PM.
I talked to my neighbour who was out there at the same time but got back at about 7 PM and he told me he saw maybe 1 caught.
How about you?
I always fish either first light or last light. 90% of the fish are caught during short bites during these times with occasional good fishing during tide changes throughout the day. It can be frustrating during the day with fish rising all over the place, but not biting.
This year, like last year has been scratchy due to the rain we had in August. If the sun continues, we may still experience the fantastic fishing that draws the big crowds.
I'm not sure that I'll be getting out again this year as our first child (a boy :D) was born last Friday.

The fish I caught Thursday night was fresh and bright silver...put up a fantastic fight[8D].
I'm not sure that I'll be getting out again this year as our first child (a boy ) was born last Friday.

Congrat's Backatit: All the best to you, your wife and son. Looks like some future father and son fishing trips are in the cards.;) eman

It's all good