Derby's Canuck emporium

And down goes CDC LMAO :rolleyes:
R.I.P Louie in Florida. Now can the Canucks make the ultimate sacrifice and dump those twins. It's not until then that they can expect to create a team that the fans can be excited about. Oh yeah keep that Kesler guy, players like him are hard to come by.;) eman
It wasn't much of guess to figure out he was moving when he missed playing in the outdoor game. Maybe I should apply for a job at TSN. Lol
Man the smile on Lou's face must be huge, what a relief to get out of Van, good on him, now I can cheer for him. Trade Kes and the twins get a couple more Zacks and you are not good to go :) This is one train wreck that will be fun to watch!
If I didn't have the internet I'd still know he'd been traded from the shouts coming out of the place next door-people are Not Happy!
Kesler is by far my favourite Canuck, but he's a goner. Gillis will wait for last minute numbers and sell him
The big question is when will Gillis be shown the door? He's traded two top tier goalies within the last 9 months for what???
Please help. Trade Schneider and now Luongo. Maybe we will see the rest of their big name players traded for 19 round draft choices tomorrow. Guess gillis thinks the remaining players will totally out score their opponents. Huh????
Gillis is a retard. Getting rid of av was stupid. Hodgeson kassian deal was stupid. Schneider and Lou is stupid. He's gotta go. You watch, Kessler is gone but twins will stay
I for one will miss Lou.... .he was a good man & a true professional with all the shat thrown his way the last couple years....
Vancouver fans are horrible to their net minders.
Lack getting booed on Sunday was brutal. The jerseys being thrown on the ice is ridiculous. Can you imagine that happening in Detroit? Or the Alberta teams? Or the jets? Fans would kick the **** out of a dick doing that.