Derby's Canuck emporium

Im pretty sure henrick doesn't know how to shoot a puck anymore. I cant believe how many times he had prime scoring chances within 6ft from the net and chose to pass to nobody instead of driving to the net and shooting. So frustrating to watch!! Oh and the powerplay is pretty funny, only play is to get it to garrison so he can shoot it 3ft wide of the net!! Im kind of worried tho if we trade kesler, hes the only one scoring, so if hes gone we'll go from 1 goal every other game to zero..hmm
Lack gets start against sens in heritage classic...thoughts? Still think we could get a half decent return for Luongo...god I love Lack lol. But it's easy to love the back up....but he is so damn cool and collected and makes the BIG SAVES when needed.
My opinion is they should have given Lu the start, why create the controversy they must have known would happen. He does not look happy. If they could trade him, then i think they should just to end this BS. Just more crap brought on because of Gillis. A really bad contract and a situation that could not have been handled any worse. Does Aqualiini even care? If so why is this clown still in charge?

They are probably punishing Loungo for his tweet about Kesler being stuck here too. Unfortunately, i don't think you get anything for Luongo and you might even have to eat something but I would still move him.
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No chance of playoffs, let's be honest. I'd trade Kesler and re stock for a couple years down road, trade Edler too, can't believe according to reports Canucks don't want to trade that plug...somehow they would get great return on him, so trade him for some young skilled blood upfront....but don't do it until Gillis is fired as he would **** it up somehow.
YEAH "we wanted the WIN" Torts says .... and then at the begging of the year he said LOU was our number 1 why would you make your number 1 feel like **** especially after the guy comes back on a high from winning Gold slowing losing it for this guy....still think GILLIS ought to be canned as well .....
I think the way this team is being run, we're not going to have to worry about all the NTC contracts Gillis gave out. We are going to have a stream of player agents inline trying to get their clients out of this clown show. Forget about ever attracting any free agents or resigning players we have until we clean house. Hell, I'd take Burke back right now and I really don't like him but we need better than this.
Hmm do I smell a trade for Lou pending? Why would you tick him off a 2nd time if you want him to stay, be happy and be the #1 guy? Maybe they are working on a serious offer they expect to happen and don't want to risk him getting hurt. Can't think of any other reason for sitting him.
Hmm do I smell a trade for Lou pending? Maybe they are working on a serious offer they expect to happen and don't want to risk him getting hurt.

I was thinking the same Profisher, something has to be done , Canucks got way to many overpaid players, time to take a hit and unload a few. They need a five year plan to try and be a competetive team again. New GM for sure, think we can suck Dallas in into swapping the Benn brothers for the Sedin's, - i doubt it
Heres the newfie mantra for the Canucks- "Whale, Oil, Beef, Hooked" Repeat five times, sorry guys I couldn't help myself....
I cant see any other reason lou hasn't played since the Olympics other than there planning on trading him. Especially not playing him in the last game was pretty outrageous. Lack is a good goalie for sure but he's the backup, period, he shouldn't be playing 3 games in a row. Management is an absolute sh*t show in van right now and the coaching is a joke too. They need to clean house from the top down and focus on rebuilding for the next few years. We need top 1'st line players to replace the sedins and burrows as there not 1'st line players anymore.
If I was Lou...I would just tell the Nuck's he will be no longer playing for them..... no one should be treated as he has been bye ownership...
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If I was Lou...I would just tell the Nuck's he will be no longer be playing for them..... no one should be treat as he has been bye ownership...

All so simple-but there is all that money in the way. Not willing to play-not willing to pay!! Maybe that's the strategy -get him so p-ssed off he waives his NTC!!
it worked for Patrick back in the day...but you are right of course but man you cannot treat people so badly and expect to build a winning team...