Derby's Canuck emporium

B Schenn and S Downie for kesler ..cause im freinds with steves uncle and i'd get freebies to the games in it Gillis

Ok, that ones out of the way. Now what's Bieksa gonna pull us out of Boston? Guess they wouldn't give us Lucic, how about if we toss in Daniel? I would rather see Edler move though...
BXA and vans 1st rd pick for Reilly Smith from the Bs.. pretty sure the sedins are going nowhere. wonder what would happen if vancouver used a compliance buy out of 1 of the sedins .would the other quit ?wouldnt that be interesting .lol
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No the Sedins will be here for the next 4 years.... our rebuild is gonna take a while. Maybe we'll be in the running for a shot at that kid in 2015. I'm not real familiar with Reilly.
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Or Philly. Give us Schenn but not the pylon one.

Oh lord......we took our run at Kesler with an offer sheet years ago, that ship has sailed. :rolleyes:

Give your mellon a rattle if you think we are "giving you" Brayden. Maybe Luke, but there won't be a quick jump to "give" the Nucks Brayden for a player on the downhill of his career who arguably only had 3 good seasons out of 9.

Ya..... Flyer nation wants him. :rolleyes:
Gillis has crippled the Nucks with the long term signing of the sisters. Were hooped now. Burrows is done. The only trade bait we have is Hamhuis, Kessler, and maybe Bieska...
I say run the season...if you do any trades,in the off season.the free trade market is not great this year and going to cost a lot of money to get anyone... Need to see some guys get healthy and go from there.....
I think you get more at the trade deadline if we're moving some of our players for picks or prospects. Teams are looking for one more piece and will overpay. Lord knows we always did.
Oh lord......we took our run at Kesler with an offer sheet years ago, that ship has sailed. :rolleyes:

Give your mellon a rattle if you think we are "giving you" Brayden. Maybe Luke, but there won't be a quick jump to "give" the Nucks Brayden for a player on the downhill of his career who arguably only had 3 good seasons out of 9.

Ya..... Flyer nation wants him. :rolleyes:

I knew that one would draw you in! Lol...Brayden's not the second coming of Crosby, just a good young prospect. You guys would have to sweeten the deal.
Aaaaah. We finally have a break from Nuck ineptitude. When the dust finally settles, you will find John Tortorella will be a destructive and devisive. His coaching method may have worked 50 years ago but not now. He creates so much doubt in the players. The fact the Sedins are not performing well is his fault. He tries to get players improve their weaknesses instead of building on their strengths. Expect them to finish near the bottom till he leaves.
Oh dear. Back to the Vancouver Sucks hockey. Tough schedule for a while. Please, NHL teams, please put them out of their misery. At least the Rangers are in good shape going into the playoffs. I was shocked with some of the postings that most of Vancouver players are injured, including all their top ones. And they are the only team that is happening to. What are the odds of that happening. Hopefully somebody made some big time money on those odds.
Kesler did look pretty good along side Kane and the Hawks need a second line centre. Prospects, we got a boatload.

Lately Bowman gets his trading partner to eat part of their ex-players salary . :cool:
Kesler did look pretty good along side Kane and the Hawks need a second line centre. Prospects, we got a boatload.

Lately Bowman gets his trading partner to eat part of their ex-players salary .

Not likely Van will be eating any salary and you guys will have to get in line. Philly's after him big time!:)