Derby's Canuck emporium

Well time to take a break from this thread, as much as I dislike the nucks it is no fun kicking them when they are so down. Have to find another hockey thread to spread the gospel :) Might have to go over to Huntingbc and sign up and get Funhog going.....

Please do! Lots of haters over there too!

Bash all you want.....I just prefer to look at things a bit more objectively as a Flyers fan looking in. ;)
You can look on the bright side. They are presently leading the league in one category. Still absolutely no reason the Nucks shouldn't make the playoffs. Remember we traded off a really good coach who couldn't get the team to perform in playoffs for one who had a poorer league record but did better in the playoffs. Management's decision.
I don't think the coach has much to do with injuries. They were one game away from the cup with Alain but it was injuries that cost them a real chance at that win not the coach. Now injuries again and way less team depth then a few years ago. The only way they will make the playoffs is if the teams chasing them fall apart too.
The way the they are playing lately I hope they don't make the playoffs.
It would only be embarrassing to see them slaughtered by Anaheim in the first round.
Show me a perfectly healthy team. Everyone is hurting. Olympic years are much to hard on players.
It's not like the Nucks have never been slaughtered in the first round before. I remember when they finished first ...
Show me a perfectly healthy team. Everyone is hurting. Olympic years are much to hard on players.

Lots of teams are 98%......Flyers have no one out, some of the others on this list are missing guys that aren't impact guys. So....lots of teams aren't hurting but the Nucks are and sadly it is somewhat of an excuse but I think there is more to it as noted up above.
I would rather they miss the playoffs for selfish reasons. I can forget about it, turn off the TV earlier in the spring and get my boat chores done with time to spare. Otherwise even thou I know they aren"t going all the way I'll still find myself watching if they make it in.
Please do! Lots of haters over there too!

Bash all you want.....I just prefer to look at things a bit more objectively as a Flyers fan looking in. ;)
All of a sudden a Flyers fan? Jumped off the band wagon have we? LMAO, You have sang the Smucks praises for yrs over at BCFRs...
All of a sudden a Flyers fan? Jumped off the band wagon have we? LMAO, You have sang the Smucks praises for yrs over at BCFRs...

Dennis, Dennis, Dennis......I have pulled for the Nucks as they are the team I cheer for #2......I have been a Flyers fan since I was about 7 or a good 34 years. When I moved out here 19 years ago I couldn't help but get caught up a bit in the 'local' team as Winnipeg had just shat the bed and lost their franchise. Even in the Peg.....Flyers were first and Jets were #2 but I wasn't going to be like the other Jets fans and adopt Phoenix as my new love.

Maybe you haven't been around too often......missed all the banter between holmes, eman, and the other Hawkers and myself during the Stanley Cup final a few years ago. You missed holmes rubbing it in by flying a Hawks flag upon my arrival with some buddies at Critter Cove.

You have to get out of your little sandbox you call the tar sands and pay more attention. My allegiance to the Flyers has NEVER been a secret, but being the only one around it's kind of tough to have a conversation about them. Much easier to chat about the 'local' team whom I cheer for but my allegiance is sliding to the Nucks as they are a **** show......but my allegiance to the NHL after the lockout has also taken a big hit.

You missed the creation of this plug....

Oh.....and I have a Nucks plug as well.;)

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Dennis, Dennis, Dennis......I have pulled for the Nucks as they are the team I cheer for #2......I have been a Flyers fan since I was about 7 or a good 34 years. When I moved out here 19 years ago I couldn't help but get caught up a bit in the 'local' team as Winnipeg had just shat the bed and lost their franchise. Even in the Peg.....Flyers were first and Jets were #2 but I wasn't going to be like the other Jets fans and adopt Phoenix as my new love.

Maybe you haven't been around too often......missed all the banter between holmes, eman, and the other Hawkers and myself during the Stanley Cup final a few years ago. You missed holmes rubbing it in by flying a Hawks flag upon my arrival with some buddies at Critter Cove.

You have to get out of your little sandbox you call the tar sands and pay more attention. My allegiance to the Flyers has NEVER been a secret, but being the only one around it's kind of tough to have a conversation about them. Much easier to chat about the 'local' team whom I cheer for but my allegiance is sliding to the Nucks as they are a **** show......but my allegiance to the NHL after the lockout has also taken a big hit.

You missed the creation of this plug....

Oh.....and I have a Nucks plug as well.;)

Your forgiven! And for the record, its a BIG sandbox. Lol, where is Holmes these days?
No wonder the Canucks can't do anything, you dont have a hook on the plug
The way the Nucks are going if I fish it I would lose it..perhaps I'll dropper down at the loggers derby.... :)
I actually liked Alain V. and didn't think they should have let him go. Gillis on the other hand..

Not going to guess on the score since its already started but ill go with Dave:p

Put that hook on!!
First game in awhile where we score 1st.
Close. But Leafs are a better team. On the other hand, most other teams are.