Derby's Canuck emporium

Things may be looking up for the Nucks. They weren't beaten too badly last night and there is absolutely no reason why they won't make the playoffs again this year. Where they go in the playoffs is another matter entirely but at least they should make them.
Funny they used to play thier best hockey in the third period. If they bother to show up they will win some games. Gillis could have made some good moves but decided to sit back. If the seats are filled why should he care what the team does.
Close. At least they a cored a goal, something that has eluded them recently. Boston is a good team so beating them was not probable. Nucks are saving themselves forv when it is really important. You watch.
Lol, 1 point ahead of Coyotes lor last playoff spot, when is it important? Are they going to make a playoff run like they play the last 5 minutes in the 3rd periods and when it is to late? Our team is past it's prime and some decent talent has been traded away and the players we got back haven't performed. Personally if they have prospects waiting for a turn to play, bring them up and send some of these guys down....they need to play somewhere to get their confidence back. Give the young guys coming up some experience now. We are loosing most games now anyway.
After Tort yelled at booth last night expect him gone next Torts hasn't like booth since hes been here real shame think he better than Kassquatch, definitely can skate better.........
After Tort yelled at booth last night expect him gone next Torts hasn't like booth since hes been here real shame think he better than Kassquatch, definitely can skate better.........

He called him the best forward on the ice after the Detroit game ?
If you're good then you're Gillis ' trade bait. Good players cost. Why spend when you can fill the stands with mediocre players and profit more.
Every team is banged up at this time of the year. Of course, they didn't do well when they were healthy because all the other teams were healthy. Go figure.
At least Cory Schneider is a top performing goalie now. Other teams love to trade with Vancouver. Look to see them trade Sedins, and cover most of their salaries till end of contract. Expect Gillis might a couple of fourth or fifth round draft picks.
Having watched my team flail for decades, a few thoughts on the 'nucks from an outsider. Having your own AHL team is big and long overdue. Guys that come up will know the system. Tanev, Weber, Stanton and Corrado are a good start on a younger back end and love him or not Luongo is still a solid goalie with Lack to back him up.

Forwards that score is the part that will be a challenge but I can't see Burroughs or some others being as inept as they have been this season. Defence first will be a mantra for a year or two but I doubt the team will get any #1 picks, they just aren't that bad.
Bows up.....I hear ya.

Injuries are a problem right now but that is not an excuse for the performance of players like the Sedins, Kesler and even Burrows to an extent who have been pretty good about putting up points in the past. Sedins have a combined 22 goals between them in 110 games played....purely unacceptable; at least Kesler has managed 19 on his own thus far. When Higgins (although I don't mind him) is the second leading goal scorer on your team you better have some concerns in your offensive department.

Sedins are on track for their worst point totals since 03/04.....even in last year's short season they managed just under a point per game.

Add to that......Edler sitting with -19 sure doesn't look to good. :rolleyes:

Both goalie's numbers are really not all that bad....just the guys in front of them are doing them no favours at all.

You gotta wonder if playing under AV's system for so many years if it's been that much of a challenge to work with Torts?

There is something more going on....and when you look at the core players that haven't changed much (aside from aging) at all, is it the coaching staff?

Could it be conditioning? Cramming 60 games in before the Olympic break could be having an effect? I know ALL teams are doing this but it could come down to conditioning coaches/trainers as well?

Go Flyers! :D
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Well time to take a break from this thread, as much as I dislike the nucks it is no fun kicking them when they are so down. Have to find another hockey thread to spread the gospel :) Might have to go over to Huntingbc and sign up and get Funhog going.....
Well time to take a break from this thread, as much as I dislike the nucks it is no fun kicking them when they are so down. Have to find another hockey thread to spread the gospel :) Might have to go over to Huntingbc and sign up and get Funhog going.....

If you haven't noticed....we don't need much help. But thanks.