Derby's Canuck emporium

Gillis should have been gone last year so the new guy could pick his own coach. Now what do you do? He needs to go now now, so the new guy can get to work on putting a team together he wants. Major changes are needed.
This 18 day break is well needed. I've seen more intensity in seniors water aerobics..
After the break, they will get better, I'm speaking from a Leafs fan perspective, stick with your team through thick and thin. Focus on the next day, the next shift. Having said that, I am realistic too, something needs to change, but what? Everyone in the organization needs to take stock, including the players and coaches, it's not all on the GMs head.
"This 18 day break is well needed. I've seen more intensity in seniors water aerobics.."

Getting your exercise in the pool these days, Lippy ?
I own the kickboard dude.....
burrows should be playing in the minors..hes brutal..

I wonder how much his extra face protection plays into that? but I agree, all of them are
I wonder how much his extra face protection plays into that? but I agree, all of them are
everytime a puck gets near him ..he fumbles it ..shoots wide ..he sure seems off kilter by a long ways ..hes nowhere near the player he once was ..and ya the whole team is lacking intensity and drive ..i think its time to retool with younger guys. lets face it the team is going nowhere fast
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I sure hope Gillis is not in charge when Kesler decides he wants to be moved to a team with a shot at the cup. Nobody will trade fairly with the man.
I sure hope Gillis is not in charge when Kesler decides he wants to be moved to a team with a shot at the cup. Nobody will trade fairly with the man.
kesler brings the most return ..teams that have a good shot at a cup.. like stlouis ..chicago the ducks would be a good fit for him ..if the canucks could snag a couple good young prospects from these type teams they should go for it . being a wings fan like to see him play for his home town .
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kesler brings the most return ..teams that have a good shot at a cup.. like stlouis ..chicago the ducks would be a good fit for him ..if the canucks could snag a couple good young prospects from these type teams they should go for it . being a wings fan like to see him play for his home town .

I would too. But we'd likely end up getting fleeced.
I would too. But we'd likely end up getting fleeced.
true enough ..i would think the changes will be made after the season . i can see him 'kesler ' wanting a change tho .. i could picture him in a Bruin uniform
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