Derby's Canuck emporium

Sounds like both Tanev and Bieksa are also out until at least the Olympic break. Team's hopeful Hank will play at some point during the upcoming road trip.

With these set back Gillis better make some Trades and pick up some better talent time to get rid of some prospects the sedins ARE NOT getting any younger for a cup run slippery up hill battle ahead
With these set back Gillis better make some Trades and pick up some better talent time to get rid of some prospects the sedins ARE NOT getting any younger for a cup run slippery up hill battle ahead

Time to get rid or prospects??

We are on a rebuild mode.... Time to get prospects!
If Gillis hurts the future of the team to benefit this season he is an idiot IMO
YES time for some brought in talent Gillis hasn't done much at all for trade deadline just picked up dead weight we need more player that are gritty hate to say it miss torres and lappierre those guys would get the team fired up with hits and grit and they let them go cause they seen the writing on the wall sort of speak..... dont get me wrong love the Canucks there my team sad and frustrated how one guy has royaly F#$Ked the team up think back it was only 4 years ago they were the best in the league whats changed??? GILLIS and his reign TRAGIC
dont get me wrong love the Canucks there my team sad and frustrated how one guy has royaly F#$Ked the team up think back it was only 4 years ago they were the best in the league whats changed??? GILLIS and his reign TRAGIC

We hear ya big guy
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No not touchy at all but if your going to say write something better get your all your facts straight.... don't know what your problem is dude ????? never have attacked you in any way personally but you seem to at me??? for whatever reason.....

Hell I have even agreed with you in other posts, what your doing is really unwarranted.
keep it on track this is about the Canucks

have a nice day
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Wolf I am not attacking you, and yes my posts are about the Canucks. You canuck fans are fanitical in your support for your team, nothing wrong with that. For those of us that like to take the opposite side it is fun to watch you guys get so upset. Just like your comments and others when they lost to Boston, it was the refs, the NHL wanted an original six team to win, give us all a break you lost to a better, stronger team with a hot goalie plain and simple. As for the presidents cup it holds no water unless the teams all play each other the same amount of games, lots of teams would have had a stellar season if they played Edmonton, Calgary and the Yotes every third game.
Now for your Canucks, no heart, no passion, you sign the sedins to a huge multi year contract at the age of 33, you couldn't win when they were in their prime and you gamble on it in old age, not going to happen. Hodgson for Kassian, what a joke and I know you agree on that one. You bail on Raymond after coming back from a career ending injury, T.O. picks him up for 1 million and he is playing great and only 28 years old. Yes I agree Gillis is an idiot and has to go, but for those of us who do not cheer for the nucks we love him. In closing Wolf I am just a counter point in this thread, nothing personal to you or anyone else, and in reading some of your posts you do come across as a little pushy when someone disagrees with you but that is probably just your personality and passion for what you believe in. So lets just agree to disagree.
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oh so touchy, did they sip from the cup that year? so 2104,2013,2012,2011=4

Psssst.......if you want to get technical, 4 years ago today is January 30th, 2010. ;) ;) :rolleyes:

Pssssst....just for clarification....they won the President's Trophy is 2010-2011, 2011-2012 seasons. ;)
father time , past prime , there window is sailing into the sunset , plain and simple ,,,

time ta make room for others, make room for teams that have had great draft pics for sukin ballz for the past few years ,,,
well everyone accept my Oilers lol , maybe they even one day too may rise ta the top 8 :) place jokes here ;)
lighten up fellas , just a game , if ur a true fan of ur team , you will always support em as i have mine , ya cant be a winning team forever , thats what the draft is for , give everyone a kick at the bucket , it will take a few seasons of sucking for the Cantnucks , get some good pics , hopefully your rebuild will not be as painful as mine ,almost guaratee it wont be lol... hopefully you guys still support ur team as the Oil fans have,

go team Canada !! think were all on the same page there !! cant wait...

Wolf I am not attacking you, and yes my posts are about the Canucks. You canuck fans are fanitical in your support for your team, nothing wrong with that. For those of us that like to take the opposite side it is fun to watch you guys get so upset. Just like your comments and others when they lost to Boston, it was the refs, the NHL wanted an original six team to win, give us all a break you lost to a better, stronger team with a hot goalie plain and simple. As for the presidents cup it holds no water unless the teams all play each other the same amount of games, lots of teams would have had a stellar season if they played Edmonton, Calgary and the Yotes every third game.
Now for your Canucks, no heart, no passion, you sign the sedins to a huge multi year contract at the age of 33, you couldn't win when they were in their prime and you gamble on it in old age, not going to happen. Hodgson for Kassian, what a joke and I know you agree on that one. You bail on Raymond after coming back from a career ending injury, T.O. picks him up for 1 million and he is playing great and only 28 years old. Yes I agree Gillis is an idiot and has to go, but for those of us who do not cheer for the nucks we love him. In closing Wolf I am just a counter point in this thread, nothing personal to you or anyone else, and in reading some of your posts you do come across as a little pushy when someone disagrees with you but that is probably just your personality and passion for what you believe in. So lets just agree to disagree.

Purple Troller :p.....although I am a Flyers fan first and foremost I do have to say that there are SO many loopholes and scenario's that you are missing because you appear to look at hockey at a real face value and can't look at things with a bit more perspective.

  • Canucks lost the cup because they were banged up/injured, Boston outplayed them physically, I think Alain was outcoached.....and YES the officiating was a complete joke. I have even heard east coast/Boston hockey guys question the officiating; so don't pin it on west coast whining.
  • So.....if the Pres Cup holds no water because EVERY team doesn't play each other the same amount of times, then by your logic Stan's Cup shouldn't either unless there is a round robin where EVERY team plays EVERY other team in the playoffs.
  • As for the Sedin's.....YES I think are on the downturn of their career but if you think a 4 year extension is a "MASSIVE" contract you know squat about hockey.....just sayin. The other kicker is you cannot just let the Sedins walk for nothing....and trading them as a tandem would be FAR from an easy task. Also......the Canucks DID win when they were in their prime and not to mention they have both been Art Ross Winners.
  • Hodgson didn't want to play here......his Dad is an asshole and did nothing to help the situation. ADD to that with Kesler and Sedin ahead of him on the depth chart at center he wasn't going to get beyond the 3rd line center unless one of the others was injured, run over by a car or traded. Psst.....Cody is -16 this season on a sheeot team; wonder how he's loving it now? Hope he was looking to be part of a rebuild. :p
  • EVERY Nuck hater out there has ALWAYS called the team "soft" what did they do? Went out and picked up Kassian who is still VERY young but adds some grit to the team, can score but also can be a liability. Again....he's young so who knows what he can develop into.
  • Haha.....Raymond; the perennial underachiever here in Vancouver. He had "flashes"....but was never consistent, too small to be effective in the West where the play is much more physical. Yes we let him never know what he would come back like from an injury and Nonis was the ONLY GM to jump at signing him. Sure....put him on a line like he is, he's going to get points especially playing in the east where the play is much more wide open.

So....PurpleNerple.....there is SO much more beyond what an "outsider armchair GM" can call as you do, without breaking down the facts of the matter.

Please.....share with us "YOUR" franchise.
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Hey Pippen my team is sipping from the cup, great team, fast young fun to watch and sucked for many years on the rebuild, I do not mention it and rub peoples face in it as that was last year, so we will see how they do this year. So signing the Sedins to a 4 year deal, huge cap, will be 38, still don't see how it was a deal. maybe 2 years, option on a third maybe and try to deal them. Cody -16,(Kesler-7) hell Crosby would be -16 playing for Buffalo. They are rebuilding and will probably get rid of probably one of the best goalies in the league in the process. As for not wanting to play in Vancouver, maybe true, but when he is racking up points with limited playing time who wouldn't be pissed, sure would help now with the goal scoring drought. Presidents cup, and playing every team the same number of times, would be a good thing then if the playoffs were 16 teams going at it, I would like that. Back to the officiating get over it, that was not the reason the nucks lost, they physically and mentally got beat and a stellar performance by a hot goalie, and I do believe they had their share of injuries also.
Now Raymond, don't recall Nonis jumping at the chance, I believe a tryout was more like it, he is looking good as a GM, has Toronto playing well, hell I bet the Canuck fans would love to trade Nonis for Gillis. Kassian, just don't see the skill set that is supposed to be there, I see a lot of very stupid plays and many games where he is just a no show, kinda feel sorry for him for getting put into the position he is in. Any more questions you would like me to address. In closing I won't go so low as to call you some kind of childish name, quit that when I was in kindergarden, but if it makes you feel good fire away :)

Fog Ducker I agree can't live in the past, and your Oilers are a hard bunch to figure out, they should be a much better team at this point in the rebuild. Hopefully soon as they could really be something to watch.
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Gee pips, I can foresee another purple nipple twister in the works...:)
Surely there is a team, out there somewhere, the Nucks can beat, isn't there?