Derby's Canuck emporium

I agree with Wolf, firing AV was a mistake. It should have been Gillis that got canned. Our top forwards are a disgrace. I realize Burrows has had some injuries but to go 23 games without a goal and only 3 assists in that time frame. He is also playing with the top players, terrible. The hockey they are playing is about as boring as you can get. Spinning in circles in the corners and behind the net while getting no where. They can't power to the front of the net as most of them just get pushed away. Kesler is one of the best out of a bad bunch and even he looks mediocre at best. Not sure where they go from here but the we certainly need some excitement added, this hockey is about as boring as it comes. Sorry for the rant :)
I know but im still a fan always have been its just very frustrating....... maybe some good fights will make it better lol
Gillis convinced ownership the problem was AV so gone he is. Problem is not Torts it is still Gillis. He won't make any moves because no other GM wants to deal with him. If they can get the powerplay straightened out it wouldn't be so bad. But putting the same guys out every time, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is depressing.
Nucks top players need to step up, game after game kesler, sedin, burrows continue to not preform. There whole team is being supported by Higgins and Richardson and their lower level players. No goals in 13 games and sedin is out on the powerplay? wtf is going on? hopefully tonight they will get more than just an "emotional win" lol
Well Bows... I found a gif that shows the canuck plane through the first 40 minutes...

Gosh the first period was good. Then the flood gates opened. Not going to win much starting to protect a one goal leas when you can't protect anything.
About sums it up Lipr, though Crawford did have to make a few stops. Scary part was that the Nucks rolled over so easy. In years past there would have been more push back, I think.
The rather large lady is stating to sing :)....and I bet Wolf's knees are a hurting this morning from toooo much praying!
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Canucks team is not very good. They have very weak for PP ( power play) because they don't get lot of shot for goals, Canucks need to find stronger forward and defensive . Canucks has two very good goalies Luongo and Lack.... I think Gills should get some better players from Ducks, Blackhawks or Boston.
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So im going over to the game on wed. to see the Hawks game buddy and I are going to it , and we are going to play a drinking game when we are there EVERY TIME KASSQUATCH F-UPS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A DRINK!!!!!!

How's your hangover Roy ?;)
Wonder if it was Wolf or Tigerprawn that threw their jersey on the ice at the end there?

Ha haa that was pretty funny last night... I'm just waiting for Jackal to come back so he can thrash me on the forum, not in the e-mails I get every morning beating up on the poor old Nuck's.. ;)
Well after watching that game must say players out of positions!!!!! defiantly not skating Burrows works hard for no rewards Sedin looks AVG , kesler finally showed some emotion with less than 2 mins left whoooopppy.... KASQUATCH is well ????? he had opportunities to crush people skates past them then doesn't skate hard at all hes worse than berrtuzi.....there was absolutely no emotion with this crew, after all the Olympic hype and STANDING ovation for the players going and to Scott Neidermyer ......a goal 16 seconds in im thinking hhhhhmmmm maybe.... then it fizzed worse than a 2 liter bottle of Safeway pop.....

The P.P is a joke they use the same routine in plays over and over again and putting certain players on there...Shook my head with frustration I was saying to Glen ok pass to the top now down below its sooooo predictable and im a guy that only went to Jr hockey and can see it WTF........

Shamed to say they are "pros" and yes jerseys throwing on the ice is only going to happen more now i doubt they will even make the playoffs now......

BTW had 2 ryes at shark club and 2 beers no hangover LOL LOL
