Changing a Boats Colour

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Okay now I filled in the holes and bought the paint ($109!!) so what will be my next step[?] It says on the label to sand the boat and clean it then paint, so do i have to Prime the boat and if i do what kind do i use[?]
thanks so much
quote:Originally posted by LastChance

The rub rail will pop off if you don't have bolts on the inside. Your windshield will have T-Bots on the bottom with nuts sticking through to the underside of your deck. If you break 'em, you get new ones from the Taylor A Nelson company, they still carry them.
Do you have the address and or phone # for Tayor A Nelson Co.
I've painted more than a few boats,if you have putty,bondo or raw fiberglass it should be primed other than that sand it down with 320 and your good to go. Where are you at orion
okay one more coat to go but when i'm done is there some kind of sealant i should buy to make it stay shiny or something and what should i use to clean it when i come back from a day on the water to maintain the shine? thanks
THe Boat is Finally Finished and just took it out for the first time this year, here are the before and after pics.







That New windshield sure made a big difference in the look.
Yeah i'll have to check out that place for the decals, right now its like a no name;) boat.

thanks for the information