2021 Kingfisher 2225 Escape HT.


Well-Known Member
Our focus is changing as a family. This is not easy for me to do but after discussing as a family group at this time we feel with the cost of things it is best. The cost is not an issue for the wife and I but our boys are just starting out and raising families and BC is just pricing themselves out of touch for young families. We are going to focus on traveling and fishing the central parts of the country and inland lakes. This is not so say in a few years I may look at getting back into a saltwater boat as the boys get more established in life. For now I’ll just book with Roy every couple years and get my fill.

Thanks and pass along if you know of anybody interested in a great looked after boat that we all know catches fish.

Did you make or buy those flasher holders
Yah you bet I did. Can’t see the top but if want be it pops in and out. But in the couple years I had it it never popped out on me and never lost a flasher out of it traveling on water or being towed.
Yah you bet I did. Can’t see the top but if want be it pops in and out. But in the couple years I had it it never popped out on me and never lost a flasher out of it traveling on water or being towed.
nice work! I want some do you have prints or anything (flasher angle/ thickness of cut) or want to make some
That is a well written add, nice work. Good deal for someone. Hope your out pulling some of those lakers through the ice!
Call me soon bud Aug is filling up , I didnt think the last boat im gonna buy LOL was going to last LOL
good on yeah!!