Capilano River Mouth Chinook Fishery

Hey Brisco,

Thanks for the tip! That's how my current set-up is and I keep the lines pretty tight. I think the larger cannonballs will make a world of difference since my booms are pretty short. I can't wait to go and pick them up. I feel like a kid in a candy store going to that place! :D
Brisco , has a very good point I have my rods like he mentioned , 2 holders on either side of the motor and 2 on the riggers . I also tighten my rods as tight as they can go , I put the line all the way into the relase clip and there is a setting on the clip to add more resitance make sure it is pulled out. Our landing rate went up after doing this. Before I would put the line about half way into the clip , just where the little black line is on the scottys . I find more is better as it sets the hook for you , I also tighten the drag completely so when I fish hits there is not slack and alot of tension. I just grab the rod and reel letting the drag off if need be . I don t jerk the rod back to set the hook . With that much tension the hook sets itself and you could just rip the hook out or bend it . Grab the rounds as the fins are only 12 lbs I believe, but double check . They were out of pancakes .
Has anyone tried or had any luck with the large pink hootchies going for springs or coho? I have a pack of them but have never tried using them. I usually use green/white, white or UV ones.
quote:Originally posted by bondo

Has anyone tried or had any luck with the large pink hootchies going for springs or coho? I have a pack of them but have never tried using them. I usually use green/white, white or UV ones.

I have not tried them here for ho's but up in the Port McNeill area I use the pink and white and have caught lots of coho and pinks on them.

I am planning to fish sat am. Winds are expected to be 15-25 knts SE. I wonder what that will be like in the harbour. Was anyone out today? How was the fishing and the water?

quote:Originally posted by bondo

Has anyone tried or had any luck with the large pink hootchies going for springs or coho? I have a pack of them but have never tried using them. I usually use green/white, white or UV ones.

I have caught Coho & Springs on the large pink & white as well. As a matter of fact that was one of my better hoochies this summer both in Vancouver and on the Island. Large pink hoochies have worked well for me on the island too. I tend to use the pink/white shade more often though, so I usually catch more with it.
We used to anchor[drop it at the cap. marker],let lots of line out and use a guick release bouy system.Medium cutplug right off the bottom with 6-8oz weight!WOW..when they hit...the rod tip would be bent-over into the water[:p].....All on a heavy FLOOD TIDE..what a rush!!;) Wish I was over there today!
My buddy and i went out this morning hooked two fish. one got away and the other was a nice 10lb coho(hatchery) yippy! we saw lots of fish caught and 25 or so crabs had a fiest on the sockeye carcesses, with only one keeper. oh well on the other hand it was suppossed to rain and ended up being a beauty day on the water!

vancouver, british columbia
Had a good morning fish today out with a local fellow.

Caught two Springs one about 22# released another half as big.

Sunrise Over The Bridge

Fought Like a Tiger

It's a Busy Neighbourhood!

I wish I had my surfboard when that Cosco ship went by. I think he was still throttling up even after he pasted the bridge.
Went out yesterday and landed a 25# spring. Got it on the flood tide in the exact same spot i caught the other 4. Apparently you're not allowed to fish east of that marker according to the cops who were out there yesterday? Tons of boats were though.
There definitely has been a Capilano early morning bite the last couple days. Have gone out to have a little fun by myself the last two mornings. I did a good job during the first couple hours of light yesterday of losing two good fish at the boat, and one well away from the boat, but today had a 20 lb and a 14 lb on board by 8:00 am with one other fish that didn't stick prior to that.

Everything was at bottom and on anchovies.
Teja Bondo
I was out yesterday at first, first light. We had good action with small herring and white hootchies. Boxed two 20 lbs each really died off mid day. Great conditions good fishing.

I think the heavy weights solved the problem. The current wasn't so crazy out there as well. Don't know if I'm going to bother stacking lines again out there. Seem to catch everything right at the bottom.
I stayed away from the Cap today and pounded the Q.A. then over to Bell Bouy and Fraser mouth area. Hard to believe with 4 rods out and prime chovies that I didn't get a single bite in 6 hours. This time of year there should be something, but since we had a good sockeye run this year I guess everything else doesn't matter.
Ya it's sad when the only place to produce fish this time of year is at the mouth of the Cap. I would think mid harbour to the mile markers would have been a good call .....
quote:Originally posted by BigHog

Ya it's sad when the only place to produce fish this time of year is at the mouth of the Cap. I would think mid harbour to the mile markers would have been a good call .....

Other areas produce fish this time of year...the Cap fishery doesn't provide as much water for them to hide in ...where are there are dozens of square miles of water to cover off the mouth of the Fraser...for fish which have long since entered "get in river" mode---many miles away from the mouth.
Fished the cap this afternoon and landed a nice 16.5lb white spring. My first one! I could've sworn it was 25lbs by the way it fought on my light action sockeye gear.

I almost lost it at the boat; it was a bit big for my net and I was fishing alone.

It was caught about 90ft on whole 5" herring around 5:30pm.

What a blast!