Capilano River Mouth Chinook Fishery

Been out there twice now, 2 - 20 pound springs and 14 pound coho on the first trip.; This morning caught a 17 pound spring. All the action was on anchovies and nothing else. Tried hootchies, spoons and apex's with no luck.
We live charmed lives in this city ... I left the office at 4:30pm, had the lines in the water off the Cap at 5:15pm., left the Cap at 7:15pm, met wife for dinner in the restaurant at 7:40pm. and was home by 9pm. Mixed blessing ... no fish tonight which meant no cleaning and no maneouvering for space in the freezer.

It was the dead sea out there this evening ... had two anchovies stolen, saw no nets out but heard one very loud celebration.
I'm going to drag a couple of chovies around Bell Bouy tomorrow.I'll post results.:)
was out this morning and had a good fish school me out and break the leader off , managed to see the fish first and it was sizeable . This was around 8 30 or 9 on the dropping tide. Had another hit pretty quick and ended up with a 18 int the box. All action was off the bottom with anchovy .
I started at Q.A. then to Bell Bouy then to Cap. Listened to the radio and heard of no fish caught. I didn't even see a net out. The guides are funny to listen to on the radio as they play it up,best one today was all the excitement over "a possible pop-off".:)
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

I started at Q.A. then to Bell Bouy then to Cap. Listened to the radio and heard of no fish caught. I didn't even see a net out. The guides are funny to listen to on the radio as they play it up,best one today was all the excitement over "a possible pop-off".:)

Hahha i hear ya. We get the chatter over at the island. I love hearing them update the fleet that they just got a shaker.

Im stuck at UBC without my boat so if anyone wants someone to help run gear/split gas shoot my an E. Going through fishing withdrawls over here.
Another funny one was when one guy told another guy there was a school of fish behind him. The guy responded "what fish? coho,spring?" I was right there it was so funny. :D
As a local guide, I can tell you that when you hear a local guide talk about schools following their gear..I can tell's 100% true and we're talking about Sockeye...from that you can draw your own conclusions as to how we do that or know. I can also tell you that on those days...when we talk about that..most weekend warriors boats are going back with 1 or 2 fish if they're lucky...and we're going back with limits for everyone on board...which isn't bad considering we're on tight schedules with guests who have no idea how to hold a rod let alone set a hook, play a fish, etc like the weekend recreational angler.


As for the radio chatter, make of it what you will..but if it keeps you guys entertained... that's great. Guides have ways of communicating the valuable information which puts fish in the boxes and when we're doing that...we're not broadcasting what, where, who, how , when and why....
Had one of the worst and best personal days on the fish today . Hit the cap up first thing this morning and was pretty excited as it was sunny and seemed calm . Not to mention we did alright yesterday . Today was a little different as the current was savage , tangles , lost gear , running man stuck in one spot and worst of all of the 20 plus boats fishing I heard of one fish lost to a gang of seals. I was a pretty bad sport and over it but the wife wanted to stay , glad we did cause things turned late in the afternoon flood. We hit a 18 and 25 lbs red spring and a 19 lbs white. The two reds were taken on a 6 inch herring with green glo herring teaser and flasher , being bottom bounced right by the cap marker. The white was also taken at the bottom but with a white hoochy . Watched many more fish also get caught and the water current calmed right down .Another good day fishing after all. Stoked on the reds.
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

Another funny one was when one guy told another guy there was a school of fish behind him. The guy responded "what fish? coho,spring?" I was right there it was so funny. :D

I'm pretty new to salt compared to most but a couple of times we have a school of sockeye follow our gear for 5-10 minutes. For kicks we tried to loose them by hanging hard lefts, rights or heading out or in but they just sat on our gear. Get a good sounder and have it setup right and you will see them swim up and down as they follow. Pretty cool.

As for limits, we only went twice with out limiting and the last trip was one.(we got out late)

If you can take all the information that people give you and put it together then you will catch fish. I still need to practice on the "bait" setups as I have caught just about all my springs on gear.

I text with one of the local guides if he is out as we have sent him a lot of business.

I was asked to get into guiding part time but you really need to be out there all the time to stay into the fish. Now saying that, that is why the guides do so well. They know what is working and where from day to day. Weekend warriors are spending half the day trying to figure out what works. If the weekend warriors were connected like the guides then they would be into a lot of fish. Most guy's don't want to help out others but I do.

One time I had a boat of 4 guys just stopped in front of me and were getting ready to fish. I yelled at them to head straight behind me as we just had 3 lines go off. Well they did and 30 yards back all 4 of there lines went off. Cool to see. They then headed off in another direction which I could not figure out. My buddy and I stayed in the area and we boated our 8 and headed in.

Cheers, Rob
quote:Originally posted by dmurph

Had one of the worst and best personal days on the fish today . Hit the cap up first thing this morning and was pretty excited as it was sunny and seemed calm . Not to mention we did alright yesterday . Today was a little different as the current was savage , tangles , lost gear , running man stuck in one spot and worst of all of the 20 plus boats fishing I heard of one fish lost to a gang of seals. I was a pretty bad sport and over it but the wife wanted to stay , glad we did cause things turned late in the afternoon flood. We hit a 18 and 25 lbs red spring and a 19 lbs white. The two reds were taken on a 6 inch herring with green glo herring teaser and flasher , being bottom bounced right by the cap marker. The white was also taken at the bottom but with a white hoochy . Watched many more fish also get caught and the water current calmed right down .Another good day fishing after all. Stoked on the reds.

I was out there yesterday all day as well and got skunked. Landed 4 nice ones a couple days ago but yesterday.. nothing! To make things worse someone also stole my crab trap. Anyways, I think I talked to you a couple times yesterday and watched you reel 2 of those in. Were you in a white trophy with a blue top? What length leaders were you using on your herring set-ups? Also, what weight cannonballs are you using? I was running 4 herring set-up's on glow teasers. The current in there was insane yesterday. I had one of the most epic gear tangles of all time. Didn't lose anything, but all 4 lines tangled after making the turn by the marker. Had to get everything in and move away and kill the engine for half hour while I sorted out the mess. I was using a 7 lbs cannonball on one side and a 10 on the other since I lost my other 10 last week. I wanted to get 12's but everywhere I looked was sold out.

I counted over 30 boats out there at one point. Tough to navigate with the strong current for sure.
How about fishing 15lb Cannon balls? Just about all charter guys & Off-Shore WCVI angler fish them - Heavier currents better control.
Just a suggestion? :)
Cap Rookie. ;);)
15 for sure. [8D]

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Hey Bondo , I use 15 lbs balls , or pancakes with the fin . Normally this works great ,my issue was pulling up gear to find a single rod with no flasher or leader any more. Try heavier and always turning to your deeper set up . Do you speed up to start the turn ? I had 6 foot leaders and I only let out about 10 of line before attaching to relase clip. If your stacking rods you really need heavier weights. How far apart do you space the rods ? I go between 15 or 20 feet apart as I find any more and I get tangled . You can try bonnie lee , Pacific angler or Active tackle they all have good prices , I just picked some up at active.
Was out this morning on the wrong tide of course but did have a shot at one good fish but lost it. A couple of dogs was it before the tide pushed us out. Try again tomorrow.
I was out last night too (wed). What beautiful conditions. I was by myself and had one good hook up but I lost it when I started trying to get the downriggers up. I was using about 6" herring at 117 feet. I saw a lot of hook ups on other boats also.

I agree that timely information about location, gear and depth is huge.

If cannon balls are different weight, it is easy to tangle as they do not have the same angle when turning. Infact there are many ways to tangle, I know most of them.

quote:Originally posted by dmurph

Hey Bondo , I use 15 lbs balls , or pancakes with the fin . Normally this works great ,my issue was pulling up gear to find a single rod with no flasher or leader any more. Try heavier and always turning to your deeper set up . Do you speed up to start the turn ? I had 6 foot leaders and I only let out about 10 of line before attaching to relase clip. If your stacking rods you really need heavier weights. How far apart do you space the rods ? I go between 15 or 20 feet apart as I find any more and I get tangled . You can try bonnie lee , Pacific angler or Active tackle they all have good prices , I just picked some up at active.

I'm going to pick up some 15's tomorrow from Active tackle. I don't think they have the pancakes so I'll get the balls with the fins. I usually speed up a tad and turn anyway I can but keep in mind I usually have most of my gear at the bottom. When stacking I keep them about 20 feet apart and 6' leaders. One thing I may have been doing wrong was I was doing the release clips only 6 feet up from the flasher which may have been causing too much action and making the fish dizzy! I'm still learning and really appreciate everyones input!

quote:Originally posted by bondo

quote:Originally posted by dmurph

Hey Bondo , I use 15 lbs balls , or pancakes with the fin . Normally this works great ,my issue was pulling up gear to find a single rod with no flasher or leader any more. Try heavier and always turning to your deeper set up . Do you speed up to start the turn ? I had 6 foot leaders and I only let out about 10 of line before attaching to relase clip. If your stacking rods you really need heavier weights. How far apart do you space the rods ? I go between 15 or 20 feet apart as I find any more and I get tangled . You can try bonnie lee , Pacific angler or Active tackle they all have good prices , I just picked some up at active.

I'm going to pick up some 15's tomorrow from Active tackle. I don't think they have the pancakes so I'll get the balls with the fins. I usually speed up a tad and turn anyway I can but keep in mind I usually have most of my gear at the bottom. When stacking I keep them about 20 feet apart and 6' leaders. One thing I may have been doing wrong was I was doing the release clips only 6 feet up from the flasher which may have been causing too much action and making the fish dizzy! I'm still learning and really appreciate everyones input!


Hey Bondo,

When I first ran 4 rods I would get tangled at the Cap and other places with a current etc. Then one day i went out with someone else and found out I had the rods backwards. The bottom rod should be to the bow and the top rod to the stern of the boat. And i tighten the line s right up especially the bottom rod. Since then I can pretty much run circles 90% of the time.