Canucks: 2011/2012

Lou-sucks, period!
Kessler's gotta' get off this, "I'm Gretzky" thing.

Good move Alaine, putting Raymond with the Sister's... now we got 3-poof's on one line. Yikes!
Well theres a new name already for the FAILED sedin line its been offically called the "CONCOCTED line"
by the writer from the sun LOL LOL he really blasted MASON on his post WOW.
After watching last nights game from the get go on his first shift there he is all ALONE for a pass plink off the stick a complete break away for him but NO he f-up again (he wouldnt have scored anyways) only to top it off with a 6 ft stepping offside about 20 seconds later "REALLY" at this point in the season there is no way that should happen especially that far!!!!

Hes a joke send him up to the pressbox for whats "BEST FOR THE TEAM" is to sit him you can tell the other players are thinking OMG again? again? hes lost it he will never be the player he once was!!! move on and take him out the team will be way better for it.... And yep lou needs to get his head out of his butt too ... looks sad for the playoffs IF they dont turn it around time will tell.
Anyone else notice that Higgins is consistently among the top guys out there for effort on most given nights? He really is a "quiet gem" of a pick up that I have been more than happy with. :cool:

On the flip side......Bieksa was -3 last night and sitting in the box for another goal. :eek: :eek: :mad:

Far too many odd man rushes for both sides but it seems when the Nucks had one the Dogs would turn it around into their own and pop it in the back of the net.
Not sure if "the leaky one" was on the blocks as AV say he is the "One". Great to have the confidence but sooner or later it is time to make a run without him. NOW!!!
After the third goal I was cheering for the visitors. I want to see Luongo totally lit up. In a perfect night he lets in 10! Is the coach the only person in BC that thinks Luongo is the starter? Putting Raymond with the sisters is ridiculous. Who is going to go to the net? Oh ya the defense for another three on one back our way! It is getting worse not better. I want to see Luongo back in therapy. Probably should take AV with him. They are both sniffing glue.
I'm not going to hit the panic button yet. They better turn it around with at least 6 or 7 remaining. I hope they turn it on for the Chicago game next week.
Let's just keep our fingers'-crossed that Vignut opens his eyes to the idea that the 'Weiner' is on standby and fully capable of pulling us through when Lou starts doin' his flopping around like a tuna-on-a-wharf thing again. Last year against the Bears he should have yanked him and didn't. I think it cost us the Cup.

It also takes me back to all the years that Crawford had a hard-on for Cloutier, like he was Gods gift to goaltending. What a 'leaky-pecker' he was!

That hurt us too.
well well well, nice rebounds lubongo you loser, coach elaine your an idiot, raymond,hansen,sedins,bieska have they got pictures of coach? i gotta go puke again!!!! YOU GUYS MIGHT HAVE TO HELP ME PICK A NEW TEAM ROOK OUT!!

Good bye. The leafs are looking for new fans
Unfortunately, the Canucks have the worst fans in the NHL. The average "fan" jumps all over the team every chance they get. Have fun faking your way along in the playoffs until they let in a softie so you can bash away. You guys should just support whichever team iscurrently on a hot streak until they lose then jump ship!! Lol.
Unfortunately, the Canucks have the worst fans in the NHL. The average "fan" jumps all over the team every chance they get. Have fun faking your way along in the playoffs until they let in a softie so you can bash away. You guys should just support whichever team iscurrently on a hot streak until they lose then jump ship!! Lol.

Having been a Canuck fan for at least the last 25 years. Also having played the game for the last 46 years and understood the different systems and responsibilities of the positions gives me the right to an informed opinion. I will always be behind my team BUT I still have the right to my critisisms. Hell even the uninformed never played the game fan is entitled to their opinion. We can all see when a team is playing well and when they are struggling. If a team is coasting then it is up to the coach to fix the problems. If the team is missing talent in a position it is up to the GM to supply the personel to get the job done. Do I think the Canuck have the right personel......mostly. Do I think the coach is utilizing his bench accordingly..........NO! We have the talent in goal. We have the talent in the forwards. I still think we are average at defense. Too many give away and bad pinches. The team in general are making poor decisions and stepping away from the game that made them successful.
If I was to pick the Cup finalists based on play in the last 20 games.........Dallas vs Pittsburgh. Sorry Holmes NOT the hacks. St. Lou will eliminate them in 5