Canucks: 2011/2012

The only thing that saves that picture from the ultimate level of gheyness...

Is my buddy...... The Kitteh
The 160lb Rott would like to talk to your cat holmes*............

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Hahahahahahha...lmfao...poor guy, and a burrows jersey to humiliate him even more....160lbs weighs more than is too busy watchin the HABS score.:D..and he aint worried...holmes*



He should be ...very afraid.... :)
Sabastian says "Who the F .... has a Nuck Poncho"


"Esse's"...... :p
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who cares what place the HAWKS are in, all a team has to do is make the playoffs, anything can happen, and dont give me some line of crap about home ice advantage, how did that work out for the crapnucks last year?,lmao...holmes*

A LOT better than non home ice advantage worked out for the hawks...
Indications are that Kess got his 'laser-beam' back again; this is good. Not sure what to make of the Sisters'? MIA.

Glad they bumped Raymond down and Higgy-up.

That was a ****-poor game overall. Defense sucked (Lou incl.), offense was restricted to language-only and they let the Habs push'em around.

Sedins' need to grow-a-set and find their work-ethic again like Burrows, Kess, La Pierre, and Higgy et al, and keep slugging away, the goals will come.

The upside: they got a dozen or so games to get their Mo-jo back before the 'Big-Show'...
Vancouver made that special trade to do better in Stanley Cup. Have they won since? Wouldn't it be funny if they didn't even make the playoffs!
Hopefully it will point out the glaring deficiencies plagueing the Canucks. Defence is horrible. Schnieder is number one and the offence is suspect at best lately. Maybe Coho was the sisters little boy toy and now that he is gone they are in a big pout? If nothing else it is pretty embarassing.
The most painful thing about the Canucks is the fake fans they have. If they lose more than 1 in a row everyone loses their minds, calls out half the team for playing like **** and basically says they have no chance. Why bother?? Just choose another team to cheer for.

They are one of the best teams out there... They haven't won a cup...but at least they are one of the few teams out there that has a legit shot year in year out.

If Sidney Crosby was a canuck you guys would find a way to explain how he sucks.