Canucks: 2011/2012

The most painful thing about the Canucks is the fake fans they have. If they lose more than 1 in a row everyone loses their minds, calls out half the team for playing like **** and basically says they have no chance. Why bother?? Just choose another team to cheer for.

They are one of the best teams out there... They haven't won a cup...but at least they are one of the few teams out there that has a legit shot year in year out.

If Sidney Crosby was a canuck you guys would find a way to explain how he sucks.

Well put. I agree
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Sure fun seeing a live game even if the home team came up short...
lots of Habs fans making noise when they scored.
almost as many red sweaters as blue ! ;)
hamboner its not if they lose but how they loose, you cant win every game but you can go down scrapping, someone needs to remind these well paid players that, and snides is #1, ROOK OUT!!!
If you are as old as I am Hambo' and have been a diehard 'Nucklehead' as long as I have (since 1970) you would understand very quickly why this team gets 'raked' so often by their fans.

42-years is totally unacceptable! THIS CLUB OWES IT'S FANS A CUP!

Not a Division Title or Conference Title or Presidents' Trophy - but A FACKING STANLEY CUP!
Somewhere out there is a team the Cannots can beat, isn't there? They look like a first or second round "bye bye" again. With their team determination and grit, maybe another Stanley cup appearance after the team is rebuilt, in 20 years. They play technically ok but certainly not inspired hockey. I wish it were different. IMO.
hamboner its not if they lose but how they loose, you cant win every game but you can go down scrapping, someone needs to remind these well paid players that, and snides is #1, ROOK OUT!!!

Well Rookie... of course its frustrating when they lose, but its not like other good teams aren't losing as well (detriot, chicago, san jose, boston etc). Seeing the Sedins go silent like this concerning but really what it all comes down to is the playoffs... Judging by last year I'd say we should be pretty excited, we were one game away.
Not a Division Title or Conference Title or Presidents' Trophy - but A FACKING STANLEY CUP!

Judging by our last few games we aren't trying to win the first three.... they are resting for the big prize lol.

I realize their history is about as embarrassing as it gets... but the way they get trashed by their 'fans' is just insane. All I'm saying is after a bad goal, a mini slump or a single loss some 'canucks fans' on this forum would appear to like the Canucks less than Holmes :rolleyes:
Judging by our last few games we aren't trying to win the first three.... they are resting for the big prize lol.

I realize their history is about as embarrassing as it gets... but the way they get trashed by their 'fans' is just insane. All I'm saying is after a bad goal, a mini slump or a single loss some 'canucks fans' on this forum would appear to like the Canucks less than Holmes :rolleyes:

I am sure they are resting and trying to avoid injuries before the playoffs. Of course they will play every game to win, but the real sense of urgency and sacrificing their bodies for the win is being held off until the playoffs.
All any fan can expect is for their team to put out an honest effort to win every game. Fans pay an outrageous price to take in a game live and deserve fair market value for their purchase. If the players are resting then rest them in the press box! If you are dog f@#^%ng at work you will hear about it too. Are you a bad fan for being frustrated at a less than acceptable effort on the ice? Being professional athletes they need to work through slumps, not coast through them. If you are not contributing offensively then you had better make sure you are doing your job at the other end of the ice. There is a lot of work to do before they are ready for the playoffs.
Well i see they are demoting the sisters to the 4th line to join mason in the gallows of AVs shiat list!!! why on earth would you do such a stupid thing that mason HAS to go cant hit the net, cant score, wont go infront of the net (scared *****) cant hit ask kyle wellwood mason went to hit him and mason bounced off "REALLY" cmon mam!!!!!! thinks hes a perimeter player BTW he is not got to be able to hit the net!!!! paying a guy 2.5+ mil a year for 16 pts WOW good bang for the buck!!! NOT

Heres a thought put higgy with the twins every line that guy goes on he turns it into something he works hard!!!! burrows and kes can do it and leave mason up in the press box where he belongs hes lucky soo many forwards are hurt right now or thats where id think you would fnd him,

MAYBE AVs last attempt for raymond to get er going(doubt he will) im thinking this is the last noose to hang himself with!!!!
AV is grasping at straws. I would keep higgy with 1st line kesler and booth, proven winner. I would play Schneider in goal. Atfer that you can take your pick??? Hows abour.............Second line the sisters with Kassian. 3rd line Hansen Malhotra and Burrows. 4th line Lappy, Weise and Pahlsson.
They should have traded all their players for assests and started to rebuild before the trade deadline passed...
Gillis was quoted as saying on team 1040 that Luongo is our guy, he's our "#1 goalie"...if that's the case can say early exit from playoffs...
well well well, nice rebounds lubongo you loser, coach elaine your an idiot, raymond,hansen,sedins,bieska have they got pictures of coach? i gotta go puke again!!!! YOU GUYS MIGHT HAVE TO HELP ME PICK A NEW TEAM ROOK OUT!!