Canucks: 2011/2012

Typical BS. Right down to the fans cheering after Salo comes down head first.
Seems like the Bruins have shaped the team to appease the brain dead fans who spit on and take cheap shots at visiting fans in thier building.
Must suck to live there, they act like they have something to prove. You don't usually see that in cities that are nice to live in.

Don't forget Colin Campbells kid plays for Boston.
They looted them from the Bay. ;)
News flash. Most of the rioters didn't give a **** about hockey.

Seems they where all wearing canucks jerseys :)

Knew that was coming.
Sure some of the shitheads had a jersey, but most of the people charged didn't (pics )
Anyways, there were a lot of people that came from far and wide to get into a riot, and back to the point, you don't hear too much about local fans spitting on visiting fans.
Great game by Schnides, again. Stole 2 points for the boys tonight.

x2. Way too many brain farts though. Was the coach rewarding Bieksa for his not so fine defensive play by letting him waste a shoot out opportunity? Definately a mental let down after arguably the best game of the season so far in Boston on Saturday. Let get back too it boys. CONCENTRATE!
Wrong again ;)
Nope, outshot, outplayed and Beiska was up to about 6 brutal give aways. We had 2 clear cut breakaways against on the same PP. Lucky tonight.
Punishment would have fit the crime for sure.
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Would love to see a few upgrades at the trading deadline....BUT probably not going to tinker too much. One can always dream though.
Wait a minute. Don't be too hard on Bieska. Lou score on himself to make it 2 to 1 for the Blues early in the game. Watched the game from a great little bar in Loreto Bay Mexico tonight. Can't wait to go fishing later this week.
That's not fair! Didn't see Lou score on himself but that is expected! Lou could be part of an UPGRADE. As far as the fishing in Mexico......I am very envious. Although it was pretty decent around here yesterday. Nothing like Mexico I am sure.
That's not fair! Didn't see Lou score on himself but that is expected! Lou could be part of an UPGRADE. As far as the fishing in Mexico......I am very envious. Although it was pretty decent around here yesterday. Nothing like Mexico I am sure.

The fishing down here will certainly be warmer:):):):)