Canucks: 2011/2012

Hey Holmes, when was the last time you were right with your 4-2 prediction?
I'm guessing over 1000 posts ago. rolflaughing
You mention 4 and 2 a lot and now squirrels. Is it 4 inches and 2 nuts? LOL
You mention 4 and 2 a lot and now squirrels. Is it 4 inches and 2 nuts? LOL

If that was the case he would be callin 3-2

And no shootout!!!! lol
Well our team already has the 2 nuts taken care of in the 1st period
Azzhole... But still that wasn't as loud as the LOUUUUUUUUUUU! the other night that we heard...

Hopefully no one heard the shutout call..
Good thing no one did... Wonder what BFM has to say?

P.S.... move over, there is a new first place team.... for now
Hope you got keys mang...........
Nice Win...good game for Lou... Now that is over perhaps it's time to make a cast your way Holmzy... ;)
No chance. Luongo will be in net. It would look as though the Bruins have chased him out of the net. He might start and get pulled and that will be very bad too. He has to have a solid game. Win or lose my expectation is that he keeps it close.
dont you guys think that the weiner should get the start on saturday in boston?, i sure do, he's gonna have friends and family there, but more importantly he has proved himself this year and i think he deserves the start, but thats comin from a HAWKS fan so whatever......holmes*

Holy **** Holmes*, you called it! Schneider is starting. He's gonna be a wall!
It's not rocket appliances that he called it... and a good call IMO

Ya hearded that from Holmes all day today... ;)

Wait for the score call... that's were I put my $$..

He'll probably call a Nuck win the jerk.
Ya he most likely try to call the score but always so close yet so far away... ;).....I guess your turn is coming pretty quick on hearing it all day... ;)
The Team 1040 guys all predicted a win for the bad guys tomorrow :confused:... should be interesting regardless of the outcome.
WOW!! This is obviously a huge surprise for me considering my last comment. It just seems so chickenchit. AV and Lou could have totally redeemed Loungo's reputation with a win. Well, I hope Cory stands on his head and all guns are blazing from every line.

Go Canucks!!!
Simple, they know that they have a team that can beat the Bruins in Boston. It is a team game...use everyone when you need ego's.