Canucks: 2011/2012

Not a fun way to spend 2.5/hrs New Yrs Eve. Can't fault Lou entirely on this one although he did let that one in while he did one of his patented 'face-plants'. Out husseled, out played, out hit.

Ref's sucked big time. If the Nucks had more grease there would have been war out there. LA got away with murder.

Raymond is a butterfly.

Not a fun way to spend 2.5/hrs New Yrs Eve. Can't fault Lou entirely on this one although he did let that one in while he did one of his patented 'face-plants'. Out husseled, out played, out hit.

Ref's sucked big time. If the Nucks had more grease there would have been war out there. LA got away with murder.

Raymond is a butterfly.

Total Agree... Need more balls..because the refer's already suck so I just see it now how bad they will be... ;)
In todays NHL gretzky would have been run out of the rink just like the goons do to the Sedins on a nightly basis. Gretz never could, would, or had to protect himself from the inane crap that the stars in the league are now faced with. If Marchand had done to Gretz what he did to Sedin he would have woken up in a hospital bed last year.
Unfortunately the new improved NHL seems to do very little to protect its star players and allows all the BS after the whistle. In the NFL that crap after the whistle results in penalties and ejections. In the NHL it results in little stick jabbing rats and star players getting beat on by inferior goons.
I don't see it getting any better so either stop watching the game or just accept that "it is what it is"
Crosby being out and possibly done forever is good for the league how???????

What league in north America has the highest revenue, most interest and arguably is run the most professionally etc etc. Yup the NFL.

What league of the "big 4" has the lowest revenue, least interest and arguably is run the least professionally, Yup the NHL.

The NFL recognized that QBs were the stars of their league and brought in measures to protect them from excessive abuse. They then brought in measures to help defend "defenseless recievers" and all helmet to helmet contact is now deemed illegal. Once the whistle blows, punching the opponent in the head ( with a helmet on I might add ) is illegal. Taunting the opponent after a play or TD is illegal, opponents treat the game and each other with more integrity.
In the NHL if you think you can get away with it you do it, punch, spear, dive, cross check, whine to the refs, run the goalie, etc etc. No team or player in immune from trying to affect the outcome with these various tactics.
Instead of bringing a more modern approach to the game Bettman has brought in rules that encourage more contact with much less integrity from the players. ALL head shots whether intentional or accidental should be penalized. This should apply during play or after the play is over. Taunting/unsporting conduct should be included as a penalty much more often. Automatic icing is a NO BRAINER. Diving penalties need to be called for ALL DIVERS. Goaltending equipment needs to be reduced in size or the nets need to be enlarged slightly ( an inch or two ) and the stupid 3 point games with the 4 on 4 OT followed by the skills competition need to be revisited.

As I said before "It is what it is" but it could be so much more.
Should be a good Game tonight...Nuck Mad & the Sharks wanting blood....maybe someone will lose a finger or something... :) Nucks 4-3... ;)
you bet,lmfao..most never ***** about their team or its faults, just try to place the blame somewhere else, and ppl wonder why i hate the crapnucks and most of their fans, just shakin my head over here and nearly have another concussion cause im shakin it so hard,lol....holmes*

Hate is strong word there Holmes*. lmsfo....lamfoa....l2bs....dhcsah
I thought I heard a distant LOUUUUUUUUUU coming from the north side of the house. Must have been you Holmsey!!! You got a set of pipes man.
I thought I heard a distant LOUUUUUUUUUU coming from the north side of the house. Must have been you Holmsey!!! You got a set of pipes man.


That was a weird noise though... Did sound like him....
What if they throw the wiener in on the last stoppage of OT?

Lou can't lose them all so I say he is due

Excluding Monreal...
One goal between the two goalies is good... I take the loser point
One more point than that other team got.
Nothing like sticking together as the ship starts going down. Once the water reaches the decks it will be every man for himself. ;)