Canucks: 2011/2012

I guess the ref's in the league are told to encourage guys to fight, not back away. Weiss now knows your going to get a penalty for not fighting so you might as well throw punches.
Marchand is a good player (if he's on your team).... but that was such a stupid cheap shot, wow. My most hated player in the league.
I hope Marchand get 10 games for that BS hit. When it is an intent to injure the 10 games should start once the injured player is back playing. Thats how you stop that sh&t.
And the Hawks fans rejoice as Canucks fill up the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Marchand is a gutless puke.

On a side note their has been more diving by both teams than you would see at the Olympics.

Nice to see the Canucks are standing up to the pressure of the moment and regardless are not being embarrassed.
To bad they didn't play that lineup in game 6 like they should have.
The B's are the best in the league at the moment and don't lose often at home, so full marks for a good win! I think healthy these teams would go to 7 again.

In this game the Bruins were cheaper (someone needs to beat the snot out of Marchand) and guilty of diving more. I loved seeing the no diving sign in the last few minutes as there are Bruins flopping around all over the place.
Marchand is right up there with Carcillo. Couple of class acts, ehh Holmes. HAHAOL
great game lived up to hype , hopefully ratbitch marchand gets suspended, but dont hold your breath, karma will get that asshole hopefully before he hurts someone else!!!!!
That was a healthy and rested Canuck team we saw go into Bean-town and give it to the Bruins.A very different team then the injured and tired one of last yrs cup final.They simply did not have enough left in the tank to get er done.The bruins were diving all over the place in the last minute of play trying to draw a penalty.I kinda thought it looked ridiculous. They played into the Canucks hands and lost thier cool at the beginning of the game as a result of Burrows taunting.It was a very entertaining game to watch! Best game of the season! Im back on the band wagon! lol
I didn't see the Canucks "give it to the Bruins". I saw a Canuck team that was outplayed except for the powerplay and the undisciplined Bruins thought they could kill all the powerplays just like they did last year. I also saw the Sedins playing aweful hockey, tons of poor passes and unforced turnovers because they looked scared.
I was happy to see the Canucks win this one but I don't think they can beat the Bruins in a 7 game series with the players that are currently on the roster, especially after the massive grind of having to get past the Hawks, Wings, Sharks etc.
I still think Marchand is a dirty, cheap little puke.
And I still think the Bruins were diving all over the place. For that matter so were the Canucks. The refs need to start calling Diving and not calling the trip that caused the dive. It is starting to look like soccer out there at times.
And finally, Schneider is a hard guy not to like. Loved his interview after the game. No wonder his teammates play so hard for him.
Gillis needs to find a way to make Schneider a Canuck long term.
Ditto on the Weiner Onefish! Kid is awesome. Also agree it was not one of the sister's better showings. Nor Beiksa; did you see the way he quit skating on that 1st or 2nd goal? ****, I gave him an assist on that one!

Also, on the 'toughness' issue. How much are we missing 'the Ripper' now? That said, show up at a hockey game with a roster of monkeys & goons and the Nucks will usually make you look real bad. Too many good players.

On Hodgeson: Get the Raymond 'fairy' off the 2nd line and get Cody skating with Higgy and Kess. Talk about the best ONE-TWO PUNCH in the NHL...
Kid's got a laser of a shot.
Agreed I hate that marchant as much as Kane and his mouth gaurd Id like to stick that down both there throats.... Thats twice he has taken the feet out from the canucks last year he did it on daniel and sirprise no penalty last year. I am really hating this BS of play lately seems there is no respect or care given towards another player anymore its sickening how many players are getting smashed into injuries!!! that play marchant did I think should go beyond 10 games as that is an "intent to injure" penalty he saw salo coming and he purposly did that BIG defferance when its a bang bang play.

AMAZING to when lucic had one foot on the bench and came back out to take on every canuck they recinde his suspendable sentence and say oooppps sorry. So got to ask if you have one foot into the door on a line change does that mean your "still on the ice" because using there "THEORY" there should be alot of too many men penaltys in the future..............
OH hold on I get it now depends if your an american team and more if your a boston team they allow you to get away with it. IT is quite safe to say and more than obvious that in no way is the canadian teams EVER going to get a fair shake anytime soon more so for the canucks the stats dont lie the reffing is a complete joke and If I were gillis id be snapping who cares if you get fined its getting really bad.....

AS for mason trade him or move him down to the 3rd or 4th line enough is enough sure the guy can skate but thats about it his hands are terrable when you have a guy like cody who has 3 times as many points WTF is wrong with AV make the move.....

Forgot to mention it says marchant has to meet personally with shanny lets see what happens now i bet you maybe 5 or less games beacause.... the tone has been set for bean town Lucic whipping out miller ZIP Id bet my last 25 cents if that was canuck that did that it would have been a lot wait and see!!!!

Give Raymond a bit more time, he hasn't been back that long since his injury...Kesler took awhile to get it going again. Cody still may be a better finisher but Raymond will still have an important role on the team...speed is always good at getting the D out of position.
Rollie: My argument with Raymond has never been about his ability to skate or handle the puck; it's about BALLS.
He and Wellwood showed up about the same time; both showed great skills and scoring touch. Wellwood had NO BALLS, Raymond had ONE BALL.

The season before last (after Wellwood was gone) Raymond seemed to step up and he began playing with more grit - finishing checks, going into the corners etc. - but then last year he reverted to his old ways, skating around (Bure style) like a butterfly at center ice "...throw me the puck boys, I'll score!"

No room for that **** on this team. Gotta' think and have the same work ethic as the 'Steamer' and Linden. That's how you get your jersey in the rafers (unless you're Naslund, then it's political).

I sorely wanted Raymond to succeed on this club. Just don't know it'll happen. Maybe moving him down and Cody up might shake things up some. I just see a more capable and durable player in Hodgeson right now, that's all.

'Rockie of the Year' if they just give him some ice-time!
Forgot to mention it says marchant has to meet personally with shanny lets see what happens now i bet you maybe 5 or less games beacause.... the tone has been set for bean town Lucic whipping out miller ZIP Id bet my last 25 cents if that was canuck that did that it would have been a lot wait and see!!!!


They are meeting over the phone, which I've read means it can only be a max 5 game suspension, probably much less.

Absolutely embarrassing! He low bridges him and even pushes up with his body to make sure he really flips him upside down. That's illegal in every contact sport because it causes serious injury. This is a cheap shot that can be pulled off a 100 times in one game, but no one does it because it is so stupid. For a Bruins team that is clearly built around toughness, this play just blows my mind. Imagine the reaction if burrows did this to one of them.... Claude Julien pulls out the "we need to protect ourselves" card and mentions Marc Savards name.... what a joke.
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I agree Hodgson would benefit with more ice time. Tough to pull off when the two centers in front of you are selke and hart trophy winners.
Well I see the hack bruin marchant got a measly 5 games what a joke and a repeat offender this league is a joke it should have been a min 10 games if not 20 look at the video here like shanny says 16 sec earlier he took the same check by salo who is not running him but a simple check and marchant comes back with this shiat!!!!! F%^* me 5 games is a slap in the face......