CANUCKS'- 2010

Who saw that coming after the Canucks weathered the storm in the first period. Scott Stevens made a career out of hits like that. Horton never ever looked forward after he made the pass. He has to watch out for himself in the middle of the ice like that. A late hit yes but no suspension IMO.
This game kind of reminded me of the old Philadelphia Phylers with Clarke and co. Hack , wack, punch, slash etc etc. If the Canucks can't fix their powerplay they will not win the cup. The Bruins will continue to beat the crap out of the Sedins with no fear whatsover. Canucks have to score on the PP or run over Thomas. Preferably both. The Bruins are beating the hell out of our best players, we may need to resort to the same. The coach may have to rethink his choice of Alberts. Mobility and a quick pass out of our end may be a better weapon than Alberts and his hits. Maybe even the Tampa approach of dressing 7 D might be in order.
ANY player be it rec hockey or pro hockey knows you dont stare and watch the pass you made near the defesive blue line... head down not paying attention, yes it sucks the guy got KO but really he is at fault too ol saying "GOTTA KEEP YOUR HEAD UP" applies here. so now what if the guy did see it coming and he got popped got up and skated away????? everyone would say good clean hit then wouldnt they!!!!!!!10 mins later kes was set flying from a chara cross checked in front of the net ref right there watching it (HOW IS THAT NOT "NTERFERENCE") the refs this year simple suck this playoffs.......

ex.. henrick behind the net and some bruins D man jack hammering crosschecks on his back 8 times an no call cmon for god sakes. bieksa shooting the puck off the glass 4 stripes on there never noticed it hit the glass "penalty" (FAIL)

I have no respect for what the bruins do I think they are goons dont have to look to far back when they took the record for mass penalties a few months back....
and then you have COACH pilsbury julian say "MY PLAYERS HAVE CLASS" and there they are taughting the nuks sticking there fingers in peoples mouths cmon your up in the game and you do that shiat.....there all idiots along with burrows doing it in the first place grow up!!!!!!! you clowns are supposed to be professionals and kids look up to you..... dumb is all i can say...

And YES ill be watching the next game LOL LOL

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Agreed Wolf, except for the finger-thing. If some pecker is washing my face with his mitt then is stupid enough to jam his fingers in my mouth - 'DING-DING' IT'S CHOW-TIME!
I think they accomplished what they set out to do, survive the first period. Then they were unlucky right of the hop in the 2nd with Edler's broken stick. Once down 2 nothing I think they sagged a bit knowing it wasn't their night and getting 3 against Thomas was a big task. Snowballed from there. They left Lou in way to long!!! He should have come out at 5.
No not sour grapes just BS is all it is if he didnt get hurt no problem ALL players have to be accountable for what they do on the ice him admiring his pass for so long thats his own fault just like a guy turning his back on the play and getting hit from behind.... same thing scott stevens did the same thing and no one complained then did they accually cheered him on for doing it.
call the penalties that are there it wasnt rule 48 as it was a north to south hit and not blind sided right there for interpetion in the rule book. 5 and a game was enough as it hurt them.

But because its a canadian team he will get suspended to set an example. amd the new "FLEX" of the new man brenndon who did a lot worse before.. funny how that is isnt it!!!!!

FRICKEN amazing 4 games yep BS again but ok to knock rome out with concussion and the guy gets nothing... and that one was way more blantant this just plain pisses me off...
The kid is still in the hospital , it was a headshot , players are not protecting themselves much anymore ,
plays coming across the blueline at high speeds are always like a train on a collision path , surprised it doesn't happen more often ,
with head shots being out of the game now , most players aren't expecting it , Ther NHL truly believes that Rome new exactly what he was doing, remember , these guys were taught to play like this well before these drastic rule changes , it's in there veins , what to do..

only dreampt about being a pro , so can't speak on that level , but , on a Rec level , a hit like that would have left 20 gloves scattered about , and a whole lotta red ice , you can thank this crap on the instigator rule , back in the day , the hittee would have to think about the consequences on being a coward,,,

4 games? what the hell,I have no trouble with a game or two suspension. Point being for Bettman not wishing the cup going to a Canadian team,do what he can to negate Canucks progress. The NHL is all for Boston believe me,you watch next game, the Refs will call everything on the Canucks,just their mandate directed from above. Bettman had everything to do with that call. Sorry all, I now see the cup going south mark my words.
I have to agree with the suspension - not so much about the late hit as Horton's head was 'just' in the process of turning towards the net, but about getting in the air before the hit. I bet if his skates didn't leave the ice, he probably wouldn't have got it (or maybe 1 game). Go to 0.35 of this clip as its great quality

he plants and proceeds with an upward lunging motion. It wasn't necessary, end of story.
To continue my rant re last night,dissappointed the Canucks folded,down two goals OK suck it up,you want the 3 games.
Bruins shoved it to them when Horty went down. Canucks took it lying down period.Look back to the Shero/Flyer days,they would have risen to the occasion and turned that around real quick.intimidation,yes intimidate the opposing team,the fans and the Refs,thats what they did. IF it was a Shero team he would have got aggressive and had Laperrier,Alberts go right out and batttle Thornton,one of their tough guys. His philosophy would be, yeah we put one of your guys out,our guy is out, so Fking what you want to play hockey,lets get it on. Boy I miss that team
The way horton skates around he was a concussion waiting to happen. He even has his head down when he's on the bench.
So when a 6' forward is skating towards a 6'-6" defenceman the big guy has to avoid putting his shoulder into the guys face how?
Shoulda let him skate on by I guess.
Keep your head up kids.
Rome doesn't leave his feet till after contact is initiated.A late hit none the less,but not deserving 4 games.
HHHMMM LAST time i checked hockey was a contact sport was it not??? they say that hit was .75 of a second late and its ok when its .50 of a second thats cutting the hairs awfully fine.... still say the dumb butt has to look where he is going cause if he did have his head up we wouldnt be in this situation they reacted emotionally once again and not on the rule

I personally think the NHL is ran by DFO!!!!!! 4 games ???? there is only 3 games left in the season..... voodoo math once again wow get to miss the first game of the year next year thats really going to hurt....dummies
If they had there head down looking at there pass NO. if it fell into rule 48 then yes plain and simple he got caught in a bad situation yes i feel for the guy but these are pros and they know "keep your head up" this was a north to south hit it wasnt a east to west hit (accually a west to the east hit kidding) as stated in the rules and what they are trying to implement.
4 games is way out of order im afraid this is going to get bad really fast as the bruins are a goon squad and NO one can argue that they hold the record this year for most penalty mins in a game and love how coach juliet says my playes would never do what lappiere did and well coach your team just showed there true colors didnt they..... have no respect for the team at all a few players but not many....
As I see it now,aside from the Rome hit,water under the bridge now the Canucks dont have or dont designate someone to be an enforcer. For example no one should be touching the Sedins,but they all do at will and get away with it.Henrik so banged up now from all the cross checks hes hurting and inefficient. Canucks turn the other cheek and it is now going to bite them in the butt, Bruins know that and will continue. My way of thinking is that they should have brought a enforcer, goon if you want, to come in in lieu of playoff time. George Laroughe sp? comes to mind. You crosscheck/slash the Sedins and hes sent out immediately. Opposition would think twice. Sedins need protectors,just the way it is. I personaly lost all respect for AV,dosent want to upset the apple cart, too passive.Canucks lose and I predict hes gone.
agree Holmes either way hes gone, I think Gillis dosent like his decisions or methods,although how do you bounce a guy if he wins the Cup? Think Gillis can be pretty ruthless though
So explain why he got suspended then??? if they are not using rule 48??? hhhmmm...what rule are they using ..oh ya i know we dont like it so here you get 4 games !!!! period this guy isnt the type like matt cooke who has been suspended time and time again he doesnt play that way but yet he got F$%KED over
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The 4 game suspension definitely seems like an over reaction! If you skate with your head down at the blue line your gonna get tagged, everyone knows that. It's not very often you see a hit like that with both players going north - south. Geezz... horton really liked the pass he made, he never took his eyes off it!
So explain why he got suspended then??? if they are not using rule 48??? hhhmmm...what rule are they using ..oh ya i know we dont like it so here you get 4 games !!!! period this guy isnt the type like matt cooke who has been suspended time and time again he doesnt play that way but yet he got F$%KED over

Because as I said before,to make an example at the Canucks expense,Bettman instructed his puppet Mike Murphy,a fill in to do just that. He wants the cup in a American city, Boston the better. Ive looked at that hit over and over,clean hit, Hortys got his head down crossing the blue line after feeding the pass still with his eyes on the received pass,a hit he is responsible to avoid, Ive seen worse. You think Murphy made his own decision on the suspension? Doubt that