CANUCKS'- 2010

3 wins to go!!!!!! Nucks played well last night. Need to get more traffic in front of Thomas!!!!
Well, may as well put it out there since my 'douche-bag' hockey club is about to commence another season.

41-f'ing years!

Can't believe I'm still watching these peckerheads...

Maybe with Louie out of the 'C'-thing he can refocus on being a top-tier keeper like they're paying him to be.

Good to see 'Moe' in a Canuck uni' again. Hope they sign him as I'm in the camp that says they never should have traded him in the first place. They're short on Vets in my humble opinion.

If they keep up-ing the number of PPV games it'll only serve to bolster my already waning support for this club. I swear I'll quit watching them!


Your sentiment seems to have changed a bit since that discouraged day in late September when you were ready to "jump off" for good. ;) :D (hope you're enjoyin the ride Little Hawk!!!)

i was waitin for someone to start this pathetic thread....sure wasnt gonna have my name beside it....holmes*

Ya holmes...."wasn't gonna have my name beside it"...........yet YOUR name is IN IT likely more than anyone's. :rolleyes:

It's amazing what a great season....winning the President's Trophy....and ultimately landing in the Stanley Cup final will do for early season predictions and feelings. :p
One for Lippy and holmes....with their love of the pictures.

LOL Pips.....

Pictures are easier to read.........

I really did, almost make an express route to the basement.........
Seen it...... :p

Hope I didn't pull a holmes* there.......
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Holmesey: Is that a note of trepidation I detect in your voice?

Yeah Pip, I've been on this bus since it left the station in 70' and just like a lot of Nuck-fan's - I've been more than a little tempted to get off at the odd stop over the years.

Canucks' in - 5!
I must say.....despite the energy and rush of ~18,600 fans in that arena.........the kid at center ice with the towel on his stick is experiencing something like no other fan in there. :cool:

I've been to 4 or 5 playoff games so far this year......and everytime I see the kid out there I can't help but think to myself how awesome he must feel.....and the stories he'll be able to tell.

He's likely the coolest kid in school now; I know for certain he would be in my school if I was still getting edumacated. :D :cool:

Just got the phone call that changes one's day dramatically!!!!!!!


Guess who's got two tickets to the hottest show in town!!!!

I just finished watching the Game on a Eastern Feed. If you have not seen the end of the game yet just turn it OFF. It's not worth watching.