CANUCKS'- 2010

Whats with the linesmen on the missed offside call on the game winner?

Who cares a win's a win maybe his whistle broke from too may penalty calls.Canucks ruled the 3rd anyways go Raffy scores screamed so hard I almost blacked out gotta drink more MILK!:p
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WASNT offside at all take a good look was perfect all the way!!!!! I even said oh got away with one but after seeing the replay it was good to see them get it right... must admit awsome game to watch good hitting and grit play and that thomas is awsome to watch and a class guy tapping kes on the knee when he crashed into when he lost his footing . That guy is all class to bad when he was on the usa team they let miller do it all ....

Let it go they did, unless Im blind?

You missed the slo mo replay. Puck in before skate toe crosses. Good call.
Holmes, nice prediction.
What's with the martin short 'Ed Grimley' lookalike on CBC after hours, talking about the lower mainland fan's celebrating.
How about the province or the rest of Canada (minus holmes and duffer) What an butt.
3 to go
Let it go they did, unless Im blind?

We have a 'nother Bears fan in the midst.................

Did you not watch the replay? .... or are you hittin the C pipe? :p
Common.... the skate was on the ice for a decent amount of slo mo time after the puck crossed
We have a 'nother Bears fan in the midst.................

Did you not watch the replay? .... or are you hittin the C pipe? :p

maybe he'll (duffer=:confused:) plead the 5th like Ras Riglianni & claim it was 2nd hand smoke!
maybe he'll (duffer=:confused:) plead the 5th like Ras Riglianni & claim it was 2nd hand smoke!

LOL Waddnt me.....

Why does that smoke smell funny?
lol, sammy thats, ross rebagliati....and im the one on the left in that pic...holmes*

Do i still have your blessing to paste you on my friends wall on the Forum! Cheers Bud ...Sammy
P.S Holmsey buddy's Mex. taco stand is open when you're down this way Hali Tacos are on me!
How bout' Burrows gettin' raked for biting bozo's finger?

I'll tell ya, if some wank is washin' my face and then jams his finger in my mouth - I'm goin' for appy's!

Saturday night is too far away!

A player is on-side when either of his skates are in contact with, or
on his own side of the line, at the instant the puck completely crosses
the leading edge of the blue line regardless of the position of his stick.

It doesnt have to be on the ice as long as his foot is over the blue line. there is an infinity line that goes straight up (imaginary) of course LOL so even if his foot was in the air it doesnt matter the video replay definatlly shows it was all good.

Sorry duffer.......

NUKS won fair ...

Physical game by the Bears. Canucks didn't back down. Sedins were effective 5 on 5. Wow does Thomas ever play a long way out of his net. Maybe take a page out of the Detroit book and take a few shots wide of the net to rebound back out front. Without Thomas the Canucks win going away. At least 2 breakaways, 2 off the post and a host of other quality chances. Another good day in the land of the Cupnucks :)
Bring on the predictions Holmseieieieyyyy!
When it first happened I thought it was offside but the slow mo replay showed it was not.
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YES sorry holmes your wrong again LOL when I reffed for 10 yrs we were told thats how it was, as I used to l be a linesman and YES way back LOL
unless it has change but the way i read the rule , besides he was well in anyways so its a mute point....

ILL agree to disagree and if Im wrong then im wrong LOL LOL
ppppssssttt did you see canucks won last night LOL

ya i know its mute, but, im not wrong, if you have one skate over the line on the ice, and the puck isnt over the line and then your back skate is not in the zone yet but is in the air, then that is offside, if that back skate is touching the ice while the puck enters then its not offside, ive seen it many times, if a guy jumps in the air to try and avoid an offside it is blown dead and is considered offside, im 100% sure wolfie.....holmes*

and it is mute cause that was a great play by kesler, a game of inches sometimes

You are 100% correct as by Canadian Amateur rules. I am 90% sure this is the same for the NHL. The one exception is that if a player has been knocked to the ice then is not necessary for the skates to be on the ice, they just have to be on the line where if they were on the ice it would be ruled no off side. If the skates are over the line then off side is the call.