CANUCKS'- 2010

No one disputes the late-ness of the hit. The question is, given comparables throughout the playoffs and regular season, does it warrant 4 games? The LONGEST SUSPENSION EVER in Stanley Cup Finals. My main complaint is that the NHL head office seems completely random in its suspension decisions. The first decision of the new decision maker is out of odds with what happened before. A new standard, fine, but starting at this point? Seems pretty weak to me.

But in terms of impact on Canucks ... I'd rather have Ballard/Tanev in the line up than Rome anyway. Question is, would it have been 4 games if it had been Bieksa or Edler? Or Chara? Sadly, pretty sure answer is no ... Rome is an easy no-name sacrifice for the NHL wanting to send a message, regardless of precedent.

In any case, Game 4 maybe we get to see some Ballard hip checks, oh ya!
The biggest mistake Rome made was timing. On the lateness of the hit and when it happened in the game. They are up 2 games, surviving the 1st period, the Bruins are not swarming...why wake them up or feed them fuel. There was no hard but don't do anything to wake them up. The Bruins in my opinion made a mistake by running up the score and shoving fingers in Burrows face, for the same reason. Your motivating the other team to get even. Should be a good one coming up. The Canuck's are still bringing the cup back north. Did anyone think they would really sweep....just about as hard to do as coming back from 3 down.
Interesting to read Tom Benjamin's take on this hit.

"It was a very weird play. Almost invariably on a late hit, the hittee is stopped and the hitter ploughs him long after the puck is gone. The lateness of this hit is nearly irrelevant. Obviously if Horton held the puck another half second, the check is legal. But what if Horton had never had the puck? Rome did exactly as you say, Kel. Why isn’t he allowed to do that? He got to the spot first. Which player is guilty of interference? He braced himself and exploded up into Horton, but its still the first time I’ve seen a suspension when the player suspended was stationary when the hit was made. He did stop right in front of him, but there is no collision as long as Horton has taken a look so he knows Rome is there. "

Watching it again, I see what he means ... Rome skating backwards, Horton makes his pass then accelerates forward with 2 cross steps, Rome stops and leans into the hit. Rome is pretty much stationary when the hit happens. Don't know what the means, other than it is unusual ... normally it is passer stationary or slowly moving with hitter smacking them full speed.
Thanks some one who gets it!!!!! and to me that was way worse...but hey whatever right....hte player hurt is a no namer!!!!

Ill agree was a late hit but the players know coming thru to the defesive blue line KEEP YOUR HEAD UP if he wasnt ko maybe a interferance call thats it but him hitting his head on the ice doesnt help either. you watch there is TONS of late hits after the puck is let go its calld "finishing your check" and illl bet a free trip there will be more checks past the .75 of a second toinight.....

All those who believe this type of play and physicality should be taken out of hockey should watch the stock market instead of our great game.

I don't care if you're a league official, a league President or a mouthpiece sports commentato - it was a LATE HIT - 2/MIN PENALTY - END OF STORY!

I repeat, sad Norton went down the way he did; no one wants to see that and we all hope his recovery is swift.


Enough about this already. As a life long Canucks fan, bias and ****-poor officiating has taught me that our team has always had to overcome more than just our opponents in order to win. Carry on boys, just another bump in road!
Raffi's hit on Seabrooke was far worse. The NHL continues to F%$k up their disciplinary actions as well as the on ice reffing standards. I was sure Raffi was going to get a couple of games and I thought Rome would get 1 game max. After watching the game for 40 odd years I still know nothing : ( . Harshest suspension in Stanley cup history, are you kidding me?????
For tonight the Canucks had better get the PP working or they will lose the game and they may lose some players as well. The Goon-ins look to be on a roll after tonight. Goon-ins game plan, lets beat them into submission. It just might work.
For tonight the Canucks had better get the PP working or they will lose the game and they may lose some players as well. The Goon-ins look to be on a roll after tonight. Goon-ins game plan, lets beat them into submission. It just might work.

x2. Canucks won't win a goon it up chippy game, they have to make them pay for penalties with goals. Otherwise, there's no consequence for the Bruins to play their chippy game, so they can keep at it. Like old Broad Street Bullies days ... do 3 or 4 callable hacks and hits after every whistle, ref can't call them all, and if you don't pay on the scoreboard, you have a free pass. That will wear the canucks down. Tale of the tape in Game 3 is the terrible PP results. If they can't improve on that, they really will be in trouble.
LOL no !!! still think 4 games is way to much longest suspension ever... BS
I could see if it was a rule 48 infraction like the hit cooke did on many guys but Rome has never done anything before like that...

thats like giving a guy 25 yrs for his first offence for smoking/selling a bag of weed.... which some on here do to much of!!!!!! LOL LOL
As I said before,if we had a Fred Shero type coach,some of you guys wont remember back then,not your fault and if we had a George LaRoque instructed to bash any one touching the Sedins then I would feel confident. Now I dont because the Bruins are going to continue their hacking and wacking and when a Canucks retaliates off he goes with 2 min.
If some of you cant refer back to Flyers style hockey then try and get a game video. They won with their style
I know but a couple of times the Bruins get bashed on a continuous basis they will hesitate their bashing on the Sedins,hell the Canucks have the best penalty kill all year and bragged about it,time to get back to it,get Max pulling a LaRoque and things just might change. If your going to remain passive people will step all over you that is unless you have someone else fight your battles,ie MAX helping the Sedins. Is this going to happen? NO unfortunately. Max has to take the fall for being the instigator right away this game,kill the penalty and get on with it.
I know but a couple of times the Bruins get bashed on a continuous basis they will hesitate their bashing on the Sedins,hell the Canucks have the best penalty kill all year and bragged about it,time to get back to it,get Max pulling a LaRoque and things just might change. If your going to remain passive people will step all over you that is unless you have someone else fight your battles,ie MAX helping the Sedins. Is this going to happen? NO unfortunately. Max has to take the fall for being the instigator right away this game,kill the penalty and get on with it.

Otter your right again,this opportunity may never happen again for a long time,why screw it up? First thing go out and cold **** those guys right away,set the precedence,2 min for a LATE hit,go ahead give me 2 min,you will be too chic sht to suspend me
Otter your right again,this opportunity may never happen again for a long time,why screw it up? First thing go out and cold **** those guys right away,set the precedence,2 min for a LATE hit,go ahead give me 2 min,you will be too chic sht to suspend me


Otter answering Otter?

Hard to lose an argument I guess...

Go Nucks!

5 - 3 Nucks tonight.