CANUCKS'- 2010

whats the point? what a poor effort my last post re this effort and series. AV -no hard stuff guys, no penalties, play a smart game, OK coach
Those first two goals I bet he wished he had back...... Might have been a slight deflection on the second.

Thomas plays well.... the guy should be checked for a illegal puck eating chest/gut pad........
So much for my prediction ability; this is gonna be a tough series and if the Nucks continue to try to play Boston's greasy style - they'll lose it.

No worries it's the best of '3' now and it'll be that much sweeter when we rebound from this shellacking and win it all.

Builds character!
Hockey?? They play that on ice dont they?? LOL!!! Chill people-- at the end of the series, the world will still keep rolling along through the heavens ( at least I hope so!! )
Game 5 - Schnieder starts. Lou is out.
Should have started Schneider this game as it was almost a freebee for them - give it a go kind of its do or die and a very difficult situation. Alain has blown his goalie calls in this and the first series. Now what?
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Its not Lou's fault... The nucks are beat and it shows, same tune every single year, come on strong and keep the same play book till the other team has it down, then get stomped. Hopefully the home crowd builds up the boys again so they can at least make it to game seven and we get to watch robson street get tore up again hahaha... And either way, Boston only has a half dozen players that arnt canadian so its all good either way ;)

Now back to fishin!
Thomas looks mighty fine compared to the $10,000,000 man. That much Olympic hype and a fat paycheck mean carry your team on your back ownership to go along with the fat paychecks.
So your sayin Lou had no chance to steal on any of those goals?The boys wil take the next one
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Canucks won the first periods in game 3 and 4. They could not score, therefor they could not play with the lead. Their pp looks pathetic, their is no traffic in front of Thomas, Luongo all of a sudden is leaky and the team looks to be playing scared. Kesler looks like he did last year against Chicago, hurt.
The pp needs to get at least one goal in game 5, the Canucks need to score first and who knows what to say about Luongo. The series certainly looks to be over if the Canucks don't win game 5.
Why did the Canucks pay 4.2 million to get Ballard? He was brutal tonight and has been a depth defenceman at best all season for the Canucks.
Will the Canucks score another goal against Thomas?????? And who is AV going to put in net for game 5????
same thing happened to Chicago last year sense they won games 1 and 2 and lost games 3 and 4, not by same margin, but in playoffs loss is a loss
My beloved Canuckleheads did not deserve to win either of the last two games. They did not play smart, or with the focused intensity that is their hallmark when playing well. That being said, wtf is with the officiating, is the fix in or are they that incompetent? I cannot believe the number of phantom calls, the number of missed calls, etc. It seems strange that bears can hack, slash, etc with virtual impunity, while orcas get the (LoL) hook.
C'mon Canucks, win or lose, at least play to your potential and play your game. 40 years of suffering - we deserve at least that much.

Still on the bandwagon, even if the wheels are falling off.
They will figure out a game plan for game 5 and win. I really think Cory should play game 6. He's from the Boston area and my gut says he would do a better job in that building. If we win game 5 it would be hard for AV not to let Lou try and close it out and be on the ice for the final seconds. But winning is the goal and I think Cory would be the guy in Boston.
They will figure out a game plan for game 5 and win. I really think Cory should play game 6. He's from the Boston area and my gut says he would do a better job in that building. If we win game 5 it would be hard for AV not to let Lou try and close it out and be on the ice for the final seconds. But winning is the goal and I think Cory would be the guy in Boston.
Exactly - but Cory was the guy to start yesterday and now they are in a difficult spot. Almost blew it with Chicago because he waited a game too late to start him and at least change the chemistry up. At the very least Lou should have had a much shorter leash yesterday.
Sorry but the 4 game suspension is part of the officiating and even Don Cherry, Mr Bruin himself said 2 games max. Last night the Canucks played with 3 new defence pairings and it showed. Unfortunately the refs could give the Canucks 15 powerplays in the game and it does not look like it would make any difference. Things can turn quickly and that is about all we can hang our hats on at this point. And yes with Kesler and Hank playing hurt and Hamhuis, Rome and Samuelson out things are not exactly rosey in Canuck land these days. Hopefully the Canucks have still got one last push left in them. I sure hope all the suits that attend game 5 get off their butts and make some noise.