CANUCKS'- 2010

Holmes in a Nucks jersey!!!!! Maybe even have Cam put the picture up a the fuel dock for the season. Its only fair as the hawks have been the anti-canuck team for the last few years and most likely the next few too.
BTW Wolf my wife has a pink canucks jersey you can borrow for the pic!
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holmes.......are these too frilly for YOU to wear????? :p :eek:



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o, man I just hope the Canucks win next year too cause payback is a *****, just picture a fleet of boats anchored for hali and all the peeps fishing wear canucks tighty whiteys. lol
Aww C'mon Holmes, yeah we're funny and all that , but honestly...... admit really DO like those hot red Sh*thawks panties, don't yah?.......Its ok to admit it, You're amongst friends ;-)
Aww C'mon Holmes, yeah we're funny and all that , but honestly...... admit really DO like those hot red Sh*thawks panties, don't yah?.......Its ok to admit it, You're amongst friends ;-)

X2 on that- it's all right buddy.... You can come clean ....:)
Just BECAUSE...... :p

I've not been as "worried" as some on this thread regarding the play of the Canucks in this the Preds series..or even in their 1st round.
From what I've seen,Canucks have been dominating 99% of the play,ie..what were the shots on net 2nd period last night for preds??,AND the hightlight saves by Rennie in this series....goaltending and the playoffs...gotta love it!!....
I do hate the defensive way the Preds play, but its got them this far...
IMO,and as Steve Sulliven eluded to last night,without the play of their goalie, they are playing golf like the Sh@thawks ARE NOW!!
The Sedins have not put up the points/goals like they are known to do, again from what I've seen the Sedins have had their chances...JEESH,,and I thought that Crawford played an amazing series last round(which he did), if the team in front of him could put up some points like the Hawks were capable of, Rennie "could" win this series...

It was nice to see Kesler rewarded on the score card, he was sooo due to light it up, HE has been the Canucks best player in the playoffs to date, I'm thinking there's just a few guys playing with injuries,hey its the playoffs,so the Canucks NEED to get this series over ASAP:),(2 more wins;)) and get some down time to heal up as much as possible.
Well holmes how about it the people have spoken and it appears the have said 'LETS SEE HOLMES IN A NUKS JERSEY"!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL LOL
I personally like the pink one...... for him to wear but not the panities LOL some thing I really just dont want to see ....

The Sedins are effective to a point but I have noticed they are getting out fought for puck control. Anyhow has anyone else wondered besides myself why they havent been split up? Sure they are twins but not even connected at birth. Im sure the coaches have thought of it so just a thought.
WHY who you going to put them with???? the kesler line is doing great right now becaues they are putting the top line against the twins.. why screw with whats working,
The preds play what they call a left wing trap watch how they blog up the sides and the d man move in for support basically the modified trap sysyem very boring they wait and wait and wait till there is a chance then they go in for a scoring chance. thats why they always have a low scoring game cause its a total defeceive minded game they play and hard for any team to get going. we will be fine but thihk the canucks respect them too much they need to hammer them which in turn will lead to more scoring chances, if they would come out hitting like they did in a few of the hawks games the outcome would be a lot higher score..

I recall them being split up a couple of seasons ago......and if memory serves me correctly it didn't make jack squat difference.

I am somewhat of the belief at this point in the playoffs.....when you are in round 2 and up 2-1 that splitting up what "worked" all season is not a gamble worth taking. If you "do"'ll likely find yourself tinkering with the 2nd line and it all just trickles down.

NSH has figured out how to play the Sedins as their defensive strategy (trap) is different than what the Sedins come up regularily during the "normal" season. You can bet that San Jose scouts are watching this series pretty closely.
Totally agree Wolf......I see you posted as I was typing.

If the Sedins are taking the top defensive pair in most is opening things up for our 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines as is evident on the score sheet.
sorry otter even i know that ya wouldnt break up the twins, only way ya do that is if one of them gets a penalty, and even then the other always stays on the bench until the penalty is nearly done, wait, ya ya ya, great idea break em up,lol...holmes*

Don't you have a meal you should be planning for Roy? ;) :D :p :D