CANUCKS'- 2010

The only reason Nashville is where they are.... is Pekka Rinnie

looks like we got another fan....
Don't know about you guys but the Pred's goalie gives me the creeps. If he keeps playing this way - like a wall - and Lou has some kind'a melt-down, it could get scary. Sister's gotta' get back in the show too.

Agree with Derby: Nucks in 5!
Rinne is good........but if you look at his numbers in the first round, he is suspect. .875 SV%, 3.3ish GAA.....let in 5+ goals in 2 games and got yanked in one as well. He may have his playoff jitters out of the way after that first round and finding his groove....but don't think he is unflappable and unbeatable.

Nashville may have won their first round series but it sure wasn't largely due to his performance.
Poor Holmes, no lottery tickets today. Solid game by all Canucks except the Sedins and Samuelson. Someone better tell them the playoffs have started.
Got to love that " hip" check Ballard laid out on Totoo ;) Don't know how the ref called that a clipping ;)
I guess cause nobody sees those good hip checks much anymore. The refs thought it was a penalty and had to call it something:rolleyes:
I guess cause nobody sees those good hip checks much anymore. The refs thought it was a penalty and had to call it something:rolleyes:

yeah, that was a good clean check - my jaw dropped when they called the penalty. They had many opportunities to call legitimate penalties on both teams and ignored them to call that? LMAO
I'll wake everyone up tomorrow; Sedins, Samuelson, Kesler, refs et al.................headin' to the game!!! :) :D :cool:
Agreed: that check by Ballard was a classic and if they think for one minute they'll get away with eliminating this sort of physicality from our game, they have another thing coming! Douchebags!

Reffing always has been an issue and the time is long overdue that they stop the Refs from dictating the style and tone of the games. Sure, stop the intentional head-hunting stuff, but leave the essence of the game alone or it'll morph it into fairy-hockey.

We'll solve Peccahead tonight: 5 - 1 Nucks!
I guess you're used to overtime right holmsey! The sisters are there didn't you see him stub his toe on the craphack the fell from the rafters.
OMFG, Rinne is AMAZING, i thought it was over for sure, HOLY CRAP IS HE EVR AWESOME,better make the kids get ya 24 Labman, this looks like it could be a while,lol, remember the quadruple OT from a few years ago?,lol, they stop selling beer in the third and by the end of that one ppl were hung-over cause it went so long...lmao, too funny....holmes*

When it comes to hockey (an you).............. I think this is the first time that I can say........ No chit........ ;)
Pekkahead is the only reason Nashville is here.... and the only reason they cold go any farther..

Awesome goalie!!

I think this has the potential to be a long game too...

Oh my heart....