CANUCKS'- 2010

It's on............

The sisters need to put their game seven panties on!
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Can you guys believe this? Sedin gets the puck right in the slot and he fu#king passes it!

How the fu#k could they blow Lou's shutout when he stepped up and has been standing on his head all game?

This hurts!

(Got my dog trained to **** during the intermissions.)

OT... here we go...
Sorry Holmes, hawks just augured in. We'll convert you to a nucks fan one of these days.
Dear holmes*

Finally, I think I quit breathing there for a while,
these Cardiac kids have to do things the hard way all the time.
man what a game!
Amazing game, at least one team showed....and the other team at least has their goalie show up. Man Crawford was great, he saved their asses so many times.

Now the Hawks can go work on their golf game.

Looks like Nashville is next, should be a good series, but just will not have the hype.



I can now go back to my smoking baby avatard........

What a fluke that they took it to overtime.... many props to Crawford!
Canucks!! Burrows slapped a rolling puck and laser beamed it past Crawford... wow. All I got to say is, when the Sedins finally show up with their 'A' game the nucks are going to win the cup... and someone please tell lou to stop with the inverted snow angels!

Hey Holmes, to bad dude but they hawks played with some serious heart...
if it wasn't for crawford this would have been over sooner, will have to watch out for him in the future.

go nashville...holmes...
Luongo has gotta quit doing belly flops on the damn ice.I just about puked when captain underpants scored.

damn................. ][/QUOTE]

YEP all over and guess what im going to GR for some relaxation and good food thanks to MR Holmes.......

One thing I have to comment on the game was good to see the REFS letting the players decide the game and YES ill admit there could have been some penalties called both ways but they did a GREAT job Toews is just a good player to watch and once he grows up and stops pouting all the time he will be a star and CRAWFORD was simply amazing to watch if he can play good like that Hawks have a good future. As for lou hes got to stop going down like hes been shot I dont know was hasek his goalie coach??? LOL LOL
nail biter for sure and it should have been over by the second.

good game boys....

Indeed, full credit to the young Hawks goalie; couldn't believe how he robbed Kessler there in the 3rd.
Although Kess still hasn't scored against the Hawks in the playoffs, I'd pick him as MVP for that series by a longshot.

Storybook finish, I danced and screamed; my kids and my wife thinks I'm nuts.

Sorry Holmsey! Just kidding.
Congrat's Canuck Fans. Well deserved win. Good Luck in your quest for Lord Stanleys Cup. It's been a lot of fun on the forum again this year. No hard feelings I hope. See you on the Hawks thread next season.;) eman
Yes, E Man. You and Holmes are both hilarious and good fans the way you support your team.
Storybook finish, I danced and screamed; my kids and my wife thinks I'm nuts.

Yup..... I almost pounded a direct route to the basement...