CANUCKS'- 2010

Easy to be benevolent to the refs when the score is 27 pp to 16 pp for the back-in-hawks. As far as the Sedins go, one of their gifts is an ability to outwit and outplay when on the pp. Being physical and Canadian like during 5 on 5 play unfortunately is not in their nature. As far as stars go Toews has been rather underwhelming.
Let em play would be 27 to 27 ish. I guess 27 to 16 is appropriate as the Canucks are well known for being goons and thugs.
AV is positive face-plant-Lou is starting game 7. For better or worse the Canuck goalie will be the deciding factor in game 7, as was the case in game 6.
Good point. Easy to say "refs just letting them play, it's playoff hockey" when the disparity is hugely in your favour. If Canucks were out there gooning it up, fine ... but that isn't the case. Frankly I'd rather they call everything than have this random maybe-yes-maybe-no reffing. NOT blaming the refs. But it sucks to have it be a concern -- rather than having the players decide it fair and square.

Interesting comments from Gillis in an amusing article:

Chicago has received 59 percent more power plays than Vancouver in the series (27-16).

In the past four games of the series Chicago has received 69 percent more power plays than Vancouver (22-12).

In the past four games when the score has been within one or two goals, Gillis charged, Chicago received 100 percent more power plays — plus a penalty shot.

And from a commenter:

13) Chicago has received 69 per cent more power plays in the last four games and 100 per cent more calls when the score has been within one or two goals, not to mention the Blackhawks have been awarded a penalty shot.

14) Chicago has been awarded 27 power plays to Vancouver's 16, including a 17-8 disparity at the United Center.

PS someone compiled a youtube video of missed calls in Game 6. Some of these are just brutal (would be better though to see missed calls on both sides ... to see how uneven they are or are not)
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holmes last post:confused:,still has his head up his A$$....:rolleyes:

yes we know the official's are letting "them"(hawks) get away with more, and letting "them" (hawks) play;)....

but if you want to talk of non calls in OT? about on the winning? goal, Hossa holding onto I think it was Alberts? stick from the boards out to almost center ice when he(Hossa) then lets it go so he can make the pass back to the point?...

but the best one was 4 officials holding a scrum to decide "if" they should give a delay of game to, the puck went along the glass then took a 90degree turn at the bench LMAO....

then there's the hit on Bieksa,if the officials were even thinking of calling an "even"game there's the easiest call your ever gonna make, no actualy the delay of game against hawks was easier....for cryin out loud, when the Torres hit happened,CBC (what a f-n joke Ron"Foreskin" Mclean is)even had a panel come on between periods to nail Torres up to the cross after his hit on Seabrook, not to mention "almost" every sportscaster on TV & Radio!!....

would love to hear the whining from the hawks fans,and it will happen, "if" Vancouver gets a 5 on 3 next game,or how about 2x 5 on 3's to even up the series..ya rite!... and wins to go on to the next round:rolleyes:.....just saying....

p.s. loved(hated) the Bolland hit on Hamhuis,thats great hockey....not the 2 handed slashing from the "rat"

...either way, tomorrow it will be decided on the ice...and "if" the Canucks lose all they have to do is look back to game 4&5 for most of their answers....
the players are deciding it, the crapnuck players are deciding to take more penalties, dont take stupid penalties and the refs wont call them

Watch that youtube video posted above. With a half dozen or more brutal non-calls, explain to me how the Canucks "decided to take stupid penalties" versus the Hawks super discliplined and by-the-book play? If you're saying there were equal bad calls both ways, I can possibly buy that, as we'd agreed on clearly BAD REFFING (though wouldn't mind seeing the same video from hawks perspective). But I won't buy this BS about talking ourselves into bad reffing, etc. It is what it is, call a spade a spade. Watch that video and tell me the reffing is good or even passable ... it's a frickin joke. AT BEST it is incompetent for both teams. At worst, it's a game changer.
As a long time canuck fan, I am disgusted in the canucks. In the last few years they can't win when the pressure is on. On some of the missed penalty calls why wasn't Vineault screaming, atleast Crawford would do that he had heart. Game 7 hopefully wont be a gong show but you never know.
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oh well thank you very much firelight, thank you for your kind hospitality,how exactly will ya do that, dinner for the team at a nice restaurant?, five star accomodations?, massages for all?, tickets to a show after WE kick the crap out of the crapnucks?, you are most excellent in taking care of US, it is much appreciated and WE look forward to you taking care of US tomorrow, LMAO..:cool::D...holmes*

do you play for the Sh$thawks:confused: it when people talk like this(not:rolleyes:lol),like they actually play for an NHL team...
I am over it and do not want to fuel Holmes' fire.....

I just had the most amasing idea....Lets line up a SFBC hockey game. Let see who can put up or shut up....

Who is in? Felix I know you are in for this?
Whatever happens in the game to-nite is a win - win situation for Canuck fans. If Vancouver wins they move on to the next round and we don't have to listen to Holmes and his diarrhea any more!! If the shathawks win they move to the next round, this thread dies, we get to go fishing and hopefully we don't have to listen to Holmes's DIARRHEA any more but somehow I doubt that!!
well... all i gotta say is they better start schnieder. That kid would have had a shut-out if he hadn't of scored on himself... twice. I'll be glad when this game is over! the canucks will either be a hero or a zero.
Ballard and Glass are in the lineup tonight. Good.

Level playing field and we are looking good.
No problem E-Man, I'm hav'n fun [ i think ] Holmes knows, he's a gamer, takes a lot to bend him outa shape, right Holmes, eh. I'm not sure if I have a good feeling about this game, kinda like to see Schnieder back in there but f**k I guess they feel they gota go with the million dollar you don't know what you'er going to get guy. Just classic last game, Lou on his belly making a snow angel as the puck flips over him high into the net. Every time I close my eye's that's all I see!!!
If the canucks lose i guess the girlfriend will be getting a lot of action