CANUCKS'- 2010

I think the SH*% Hawks have paid off the refs. Will be interesting to see if they pull the same stunts in game 7....or perhaps they have an armoured truck standing by to rush them away following the game. Tuesday will be very interesting indeed.
After tonight... I don't think the Hacks can win another......
Somehow I'm not surprised.
Where are we going for beer anyways?
The refing has ben the shiats since game 4 kind of a shame really !!!! cause its not fair!!!!!! that hit to the head on bieksa was definatly and ELBOW oh but what thats ok let it go its on a nuk player if that was on any hawk player it would have been a 5 and a game agin one sided reffing hard to comepete when your fighting against 10 not 6......the only good thing is they played way better
Hawk have proven themselves a worthy adversary. I called the series in 5. Who'da thunk?

Agreed Wolf, we are playing better and this is where we find out what we're made of. The humble pie the Hawk's served up in 4 & 5 will make us better from here on in to the Lord's House.
Being a ref myself I can agree with MOST of the non-calls BUT there were about three that makes you wonder what they were looking at!
Canucks were the best team last night,and it was their best game so far of this series....BUT , one word somes up the game......


I've been trying to beleive that the officials would not call in favour of any team,but this series is getting to be a bit of a joke, there's not one person that can argue this....... that doesnt have their head up their a$$,

one comment back a bit ,"there letting them play":confused:...letting the Sh$thawks play is more like it...

....bring on game 7 ....
Who starts in between the pipes for game 7? Lu? Schneider? (or if schneids is injured and not just cramped up) - Eddie Lack?? Huge game, can't wait.

NVM * "As for Schneider's health, Vigneault was insistent it was just a bad cramp. He said Schneider was dehydrated, got an IV in the training room and felt OK after the game. That means he might have another tough decision to make on the flight back home."

real tough decision for AV, I thought Cory was really hurt the way he was limping off the ice.
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Another reffing gem, where do they find these guy's. See Burrows get his stick chopped in half, no call!! What a JOKE!! You know a Canuck would never in a million years get away with that shat!!!
Someone posted a good comment in another forum ... Tues is a turning point for the Canucks organization. If they can pull off a win, they will have faced some of that early round adversity necessary for gelling a team, and the road forward is paved. On the other hand, if they lose, it throws everything into question about this organization.

Is this THE year?? Or are we about to become this decade's Sens / Sharks?

All resting on one game. It might all come down to who scores first. Holy pressure cooker Batman.
Reffing....there's nearly always a home team bias, in thinking you get jobbed. You see all the missed calls one way, but the other they get overlooked. Trying to be honest and objective about it, I saw some blatant canucks stuff not called -- especially one interference in the OT that I remember. However, I have to say that overall, it seems to be leaning in the hawks favour. That could also be because the canucks are so much more physical ... when playing at that edge, a lot more stuff goes on that could end up a penalty.

Going all the way back to disastrous Game 4 ... the whole slide started with the very questionable too many men call. They didn't get scored on in the penalty, but a few seconds after (which is still effectively PP time) and that was also the goal that was offside if I recall. That started the goal parade, and it didn't stop til Game 6. Commentators said that one was a blown call, but it was only 1 goal and the canucks lost by 5. That's BS though, because it's a game of momentum, and once the momentum shifts at a key point, you're hooped. NOT going to blame where they are on the refs ... but it sure isn't helping them.
Goal tending was the issue last night IMHO.Sneider screwed up handling the puck behind the net that cost us two goals,and Luongo flopping on his belly in ot cost us another.The officiating was terrible but ultimately it was goal tending.
Pull the goalie and play with 6 skaters all night. Loungo can barely stop a beach ball. That attempted save in OT was a disgrace.

Sedins get punched, hacked, whacked, slew footed etc etc. No call
Sedins put a stick near a Hawk, two minutes for hooking.
Bolland looks like he is chopping wood as Henrick is about to put a rebound in and Henrys stick disintegrates into two pieces, no call.
Bieksa receives a Torres look alike blind side head shot, no call. At least Torres got a 2 minute penalty.
Hawks clear the puck out of play in their own end, no call.
Letting them play is true, after the Hawks have been given a few power play opportunities first.
Hard to be anything but turned off after such an unprofessional game by the refs last night.
Was the hawk player offside on the breakaway that lead to the penalty shot????
Very tough call on who to put in net. If Schneider is healthy, he looks to be able to stop the puck at least, just stay in the damn net.
As far as a defining moment for the club, well they are going to be so tired and beat even if they win, Nashville will clearly have the upper hand. The fantastic regular season is quickly turning into just another Canuck fiasco.
It takes grit, determination, great goaltending and a lot of luck to make it to the cup final. Look at Philly last year. And they still need a goalie! I see the Canucks still lacking a lot of the grit and determination. There is a reason why Canadian boys excel in the playoffs. "It's our GAME" You can sprinkle in Euro flare here and there but too much historically does not win you a cup.
I agree Charlie...not giving up yet, but I still say I would prefer a set of Linden twins right now over the ones we have. Trevor picked up his game and intensity in the playoffs and it was very noticeable. I don't see a whole lot of difference in the twins game from the regular season and now. Even so we did out play them last night and were a Higgins post away from advancing.
I don't fault the Sedins effort ... I think they are giving it all they've got and want this as bad as anyone. The problem, though, is theirs is a finesse game, and you can't finesse harder ... you push too hard in a skill game and you end up overthinking, trying to do it all yourself, etc. Contrast that to someone like Linden who just powered through ... not pretty but forceful and effective. When he put it in 5th gear, there was no stopping him. You can't sustain that kind of 110% effort too long (doesn't work in regular season), but perfect for playoffs.

On that note, I also think the Sedins game is pretty easily countered by very hard checking -- take away the lanes, take away the time, and the cycle stops working. We saw it in the season with Nashville and that kind of defensive game. And that's what playoff hockey is. The D are putting in that 110% too.

The Sedins also feast on poor defense ... but playing a team with 2 superstar D's, each playing 25mins plus a night, they get shut down. THis should ideally open more space for the other lines ... that's the ticket I think.
I made a comment about " Team Ikea " whiles back , someone responded that the hawks only had 1 less Swede on the team ???, ( NOT my point )
Sounds like a few are getting it too now ,
Local Boys all the way.......!!! ( the odd exception )
Sedins looked like they were gonna cry on a couple of those soft checks... don't get me wrong , there AWESOME regulars season players ,but .........
question them if they get through to the next round , ALOT more physical teams to come...

I agree Charlie...not giving up yet, but I still say I would prefer a set of Linden twins right now over the ones we have. Trevor picked up his game and intensity in the playoffs and it was very noticeable. I don't see a whole lot of difference in the twins game from the regular season and now. Even so we did out play them last night and were a Higgins post away from advancing.