CANUCKS'- 2010

Canucks don't want the ducks. That top line is a nasty piece of business. A rematch with the Hawks is no piece of cake either but it would give the boys a chance to redeem themselves for the past two seasons. No Buffman to protect Toews and the mouthpiece in this years playoffs. At the very least it should be excellent hockey. Canucks have a 500 record against all the potential first round matchups other than Dallas. Can't wait!
it should be excellent hockey. Can't wait!

its what I'm thinking also....if they bring their A game,and guys stay heathy, the only thing that can and will beat Vancouver is **** poor officiating..

any takers on poor calls in the playoffs going against Vancouver??....
Sorry -just got back from Bug hunting in Port Alberni- Nucks 3-2 Sorry Holmzzzy- Got to put a little love in your heart
Hey Searun lets go prawning every Nucks game- We'll see the silver cup in the end-Beside can never get enough of thoses taste treats :) Bring on the play offs :)
Looks like LA or Dallas for the Nucks. Hawks will either be 7th or 9th. With a healthy D and Luongo playing well the Nucks will be hard to beat. As was previously stated, poor reffing might raise its ugly head. Lets hope not.
Maybe there is a future for farmed salmon after all.

Nuck's have been dealing with stunned officiating for decades with more than their share of bad calls IMHO.
What gets me now is the type of infractions they are calling; they are ruining the game calling all these little 'love-taps' with the stick.

What's next? "Two-minutes! Looking at the guy sideways! #17, Kessler!"
Looks like LA or Dallas for the Nucks. Hawks will either be 7th or 9th. With a healthy D and Luongo playing well the Nucks will be hard to beat. As was previously stated, poor reffing might raise its ugly head. Lets hope not.

Looks like it's 9th then
1976-Montreal host's Olympic games
1976-77 Montreal Canadians win the Presidents Cup
1976-77 Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup:)

1988-Calgary host's Olympic games
1988-89 Calgary Flames win the Presidents Cup
1988-89 Calgary Flames win the Stanley Cup:)

2010-Vancouver host's Olympic games
2010-11 Vancouver Canucks win the Presidents Cup:p
2010-11 ????????? ??????? win the Stanley Cup:cool:

beer fridge is "well" stocked for a longggg run, so here's to great hockey,

and CONTINUED HISTORY of a CANADIAN city/team that plays host to the Olympic games!!!!!!!!!!!!

******Canucks fan since 72'******
I'm glad it's the Hawk's in round 1.

Sorry Holmsey, our boys are still a might pissed from what happened last year so LOOK OUT!

Nucks' in 5!
I agree, Chicago was the best possible choice for a first round opponent. No danger of the President's Cup winners taking the first round for granted in this case. They will be ready to battle. Nuck's in 6.
hey i already posted that months ago fever, lol, actually near the beggining of the season, time to break the cycle:p...HAWKS IN 7...holmes*

doh! never saw your bad..

their NOT breaking the cycle this year!..Nucks are GOING ALL THE WAY!:D..

thats me at 1:48 & 2:05...."crazymilkman" hahah

sh#thawks used all their tricks yesturday and LOST to get into the playoffs:rolleyes:;)!!

again though, it should be an excellent 1st round of hockey, with Vancouver taking it in 6
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Good one Holmes. Hey I thought you where get'n the golf clubs out. Just about eh, eh just about. You shoud drink Lucky Holmes!!!
looks like u guys called up hodson and some other dude, also samuleson was at practice today, hmmmm....holmes*

Geez, looks like you're all worried - watching the Canuck playoff moves. That "other dude" is Victor Oreskovich and your defencemen will be very familiar with him soon..... as he drives Keith and Campbell right thru the end boards on dump ins. The man is a beast !! LOL!! One year wonders = Craphawks


For Holmes, E-Man and the band wagon jumper, Fog Ducker

Good one Shawn!

I'll say it again: I have way more respect for a dude who stands by his team than I do for some no-mind wagonjumper.

There is something different this year with the way my Nuck-flags-fly on my truck; they don't get tangled up so much. Makes me think that this could be it...

Wait a minute, "Nuck-flags-fly", wasn't that a Crosby-Stills song?