CANUCKS'- 2010

Man............. locked up 1st in the NW.........Go Cauncks
Hacks are still looking good.... hope they don't lose a couple............ :confused:

Holmes*75%, Eman 25%

I found this for you...........

Nahhhh I can't......... PM's incoming :p

Last nights game reminded me of a massive diesel-engine that took nearly 2 full periods to get up to wide open throttle, then... they're unstoppable, like a train.
AWWWW HOLMES I think you need to listen to and watch the George micheals song " Got to have faith" to maybe relive your 80s and for the girls maybe it will inspire you to BELIEVE!!!!! Some one put the video for him ok thanks.
BTW keep up the predictions ok

hmmmmm, 5-3 desert dogs......holmes*

btw randy was in for dinner last nite with some clients and he says hi rite back at ya:D

I was thinking the 5 -3 "Nucks"- Have you got "A little love in your heart" :)

Pretty sure "Randy's ripping some lips" :)
Wow- the Zebra's suck to night. Wish I was a Coyotoe fan because it was all about them in the eyes of the zebra's . Perhaps Fiddler should learn how to skate... :(
5 minutes, tossed from the game (for brushing up against the guy on the way past him) and 2 power play goals in a 0-0 game late in the 3rd. Brilliant friggen call. That has to be the worst call of the year..period!!! No wonder Burr has issues with the refs.
Lame call for sure... not to mention many others, mostly missed
We cant win them all tho;)
I'm fu#kin' steamed! If some douch-bag wants to launch himself face first into the boards that's his prerogative; but that ref got no business hangin' it on Burrows for barely touching the guy before he kissed the pine.

The Yote's goalie was awesome and Erhoff also had a good game; gotta' give the guy credit when it's due.

Fu#kin' Refs!

More whiskey...
Really don't want to sound like a sore loser......but as others have said......the "black and white" were pretty brutal in their calls.......ESPECIALLY Burrows' major. You can thank the GM's meetings......Chara et al for that call.

Oh least we didn't get our asses handed to us like Dallas did to the Hawks....
Got to agree I dont mind a ref making a mistake but these guys were brutal there was 2 plays where the sedins were hauled down or tripped jeeeezzzus thats why there is 2 refs on the ice call the damn penalty. they were definatlly on the yote side last night .I dont care which team or game it is but make the calls for gods sake complete joke last night I was sooo pissed I turned it off

The Yote's goalie was awesome and Erhoff also had a good game; gotta' give the guy credit when it's due.

I have maintained that for the past few years......he is the most underrated goalie in the league.

I have argued with buddies of mine about how good he actually is........watching last night they were actually starting to see the light.