CANUCKS'- 2010

Not an A game for sure. Sloppy play and only the occasional push back. Lucky to get the points.
Columbus wanted it way more than the Nucks did for sure....It was a little embarassing at times to be honest. Goal tending is suppose to steal you one of those once in a while, similar to Schneider stealing that one against Dallas earlier in the year.
Canucks golf crest.jpgIf the Canucks continue there complacent play they will have a very hard time winning any of there next few games. Preds 4 Nucks 3 OT.;) eman
Why is that every year as we close in on the play offs I find myself wondering what if we had 2 CANADIAN twins with the last name Linden.
Don't worry about it pf....... good to have the slump now.
Hopefully they wake up(scorers).... It is a whole new season come playoff time. At least we are in good standing to make it there :cool:
Hang in there Holmsey, it's called pre-playoff fine-tuning in order to get their clogometers fully aligned for the 'Cup Run!'

The deal here is, if Lou stays hot and we get our healthy 'D' back in place before the real-season starts, all we need is for our guns to start hitting again and we will be unstoppable!
Bad night in the Pippen household........Nucks get shutout at home..........and Phillie loses to the surging Leaves.

It's interesting to see so many teams that are playing for their playoff lives playing great hockey as of late. They are playing with an intensity of playoff every game/point is so important for them right now.
HA! Good one Pip! That was a good game. We let'em push us around a bit in the first but pretty much owned the rest of it. Lou I'm sure would like to have that one back. Good to see Hansen getting rewarded for all his hard work. He's great!

Bring on the Ducks tomorrow.

Gotta' get out fishin'... Gee-Zuzzz!
5-1 Ducks? is that Tequila talking now? Missed todays matinée with chores that had to get done. Seems they win when I don't watch.
Does last nights game mark the emergence of a brand new 'Dynamic-Duo' for the Nucks?
There's some serious chemistry goin' on between Man & Yan! Stay tuned...

Nice to see Rutu still working.
Must suck to get na na na'd in your own building. lol
Yeah, they sure are jumping on the wagon in California! Might have to go down there and kick them all off !! See the look on Anahiems coach's face when the Nuck's scored and the crowd went wild, - priceless - Ha-Ha