CANUCKS'- 2010

Hopefuly mason can get his head out of his butt he realy has turned into a trade bait when i went over and watched him live its almost as if his legs are faster han his mind and definatly his "HANDS"we are so weak on the LW side and he makes it worse, his points are way down!!!!I like the guy but cmon man I dont know if you saw the last game him skating right past the puck at about the 10:30 mark of the 3rd!!!!!!! which almost turned into a scoring opp......
time to let hodgson move up and see what he can do.... its apperant mason has lost it..

maybe the crapnucks lost all those other times in the playoffs cause they werent good enough, give some credit to the other organizations, the other teams were just better teams, remember the season after the lockout?...edmonton finished 8th and detroit 1st, guess who took 4 edmonton players in his playoff pool and figured the oil would make it to the cup?, ya that would be me, and i won that pool, ppl were laughing when i said the oil would win the cup, well they almost did, if it werent for roloson getting injured and cam ward standing on his head, they would have won....holmes*

holmes........I destroyed my playoff pool that year as 80% of my team was Carolina players. Edmonton needed a pile of other things to happen to win that Cup. :p

Speaking of "not good enough"........your boys were shatty for a LONG time and finally just amassed a bunch of early first round picks to make your run. Now....look at you..........the problem is in Vancouver (or any Canadian market) they wouldn't stand for sucking that bad for that long. Before 08/09.....they went 9 out of 10 years missing the playoffs.

As for the Canucks playing "better teams".....yup......a hot goalie on a weaker team or generally a better team that matches up well against you is going to beat you in a 7 game series. CHI had a great team last year........and to be honest that had great offensive power, but the BIG thing that helped them go through every year was Baffoooligan. He is an oddity and a rarity in the NHL and proved himself in how he pretty singlehandely destroyed Luongo and the Canucks.

Also....the Canucks were not as deep as they are now; if Danny and Hank don't score all the goals there are now guys on the 2nd, 3rd and even 4th line who can step up. In past years it just wasn't happening......and there was a slump in the 'other lines' at some point this year but they have worked through it.

As much as I don't really like AV he has these guys all buying into the same program and playing for the most part; responsible hockey in their own end.
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Oh.....and tonight........we're in tough against a Bruins team that has been playing pretty good hockey.

I just hope "good Lou" shows up tonight........
Should be a good Game-If we make the finals this year we will be playing either Philly or Boston-
Cauncks 4-Boston 3 :)
Have to free dinner and night's stay at the Sooke harbour House tonight. No TV's in the rooms so I guess I'll have to actually talk to the wife or something. My buddy will be texting me the score during the game. LOL
Canucks will be tested big time tonight. I hope they pick up some grit at the deadline or there destined for an early exit. Bruins 5 Nucks 3.;) eman
No way eman! Because tonight I'm not only wearing my lucky 'Nucks Shirt' but also my lucky 'Nucks-Gonch' that my daughter gave me for xmas. If I wear them both together the power transmitted to the team is UNBELIEVABLE!

All I can say is I hope we don't meet that goalie in the playoffs. Yikes!
LIKE I said earlier that M Raymond needs to go!!!!!! what a feable atempt to "move" the guy who scored the 2nd goal,
Hes lost his edge he used to go in front of the net and get the "dirty" goals now hes just a perimeter player... good to see Alan put him on the 4th line about fricken time.... And why do they put samulson on the point to continue to give up the puck at the line ALL the time when you got salo sitting on the bench with hid booming shot...... i know you have to use what you can but do whats best and get the guy who will somewhat do the job very frustrating

Canucks golf crest.jpg
C'mon Derby... can't you feel it? Nobody's going to go easy on the Canucks from hear on out. I'm just hoping for a Hawk vs Canucks playoff match up.;) eman
The nuks have a great team and im thinking there going to do ok one or two more pieces to the puzzle and they got it when we get our 2 top D man back look out and throw in alberts as long as we can stay healthy..... but then that goes for any team doesnt it...

It ain't going to happen this year Holmes...he is on the same diet as Kesler & Burrows this year. ;)
Higgins is a DYNAMITE pick up...this guy has speed on the 4th line to draw teams into penalties and can even move up to a top 6 forward should raymond continue to suck! Let's not forget this guy had 3 straight 22+ goal seasons. Lapierre was great for MTL in playoffs last year...if he stays disiplined...unreal 4th liner and huge upgrade.
Look at our 4 lines now...
Sedin Sedin Burrows;
Raymond Kes Samuelsson;
Torres Maholtra Hansen;
Higgins Glass Lapierre.

Then our back end when healthy ****ING INSANE GOOD!!!!

Salo - Erhoff
Bieksa - Edler
Ballard - Hamhuis



K, back end and goaltending I think we have the best in the league...easy! Forward depth we have top 3 teams in the league EASY...if not top 2, this is the year boys!
if they do not go deep this year i am forcing my 6 year old boy to pick another team!!! 36 years of frustration and counting for me!!! having said that.....i gotta a good feeling about this year!!
Now all we need is a scrapper. What happened to the 'Ripper'? Is he coming back, is he done or what? Weird...
Arguably Lou's best showing of the season and nice to see Raymond finally step up. Wonder if the recent acquisition of two more forwards had anything to do with it? Talented kid he is; hope he hangs in there.

In general, I thought we played a ****** game with way too many turnovers and not nearly enough goal production. Seems like we are really being shut down lately.