CANUCKS'- 2010

Good spirit Holmesy! You get angry alot but at least you're loyal. Hate wagon-jumpers.
I'd even cheer for the Habs these days before another American teams cup win. A Canadian team cup win is long over due. With the state of most Canadian teams if not the Canucks that win is not happening any time soon.
I hear ya Holmes... When you think of Gail Shea, DFO, Halibut crap, the Hawks, etc. etc. etc. I makes you want to puke. Thankfully the clearest hope of success lies with the mighty Hawks.:D eman
A surgical attack by the Sedins. What an epic set up by Malhotra on Torres's goal!! The train is still on the tracks even with all the injuries. How are the Hawks doing? How is the view from way down there? LOL!!
Detroit seems to be creeping up on us. I think 5 points back now with a game in hand.
OHHHH comon holmes ill bet you a beer the poor ol dismantled haws wont even make it to the show........they have been in 11th spot for almost a month now they better get there arse in gear.... LOL LOL are you a betting man????

Habs thumped us good last night. Out-skated us at every turn and couldn't solve Price. Not at all happy with that one.

WTF's with all this snow?
Well that was a better outcome. Looked dicey there for a while, especially in the 2nd where they owned us. Philly sniffin' at our heels - yikes!
The Blues and many of the teams we will play down the stretch are desperate for wins and playing play off hockey. I don't think the nucks should worry about loosing the odd game to one of these teams from now to the end. I wouldn't want to ramp up my game to early and burn out half way through a play off run. We finally are in a position to coast a bit into the first series and have lots left in the tank to ramp it up when it counts. Turn it on with 5 or 6 games left in the regular season...that is enough of a preparation for what will come.
Canucks find themselves in that dangerous position that the San Jose's and Ottawa's of the league faced for or near the top regular season, super high expectations, super high pressure. Their opponent will be whatever team in the west scraps the hardest to win that 7th or 8th spot, probably decided in the last game of the season, probably through a little win streak. They come into the playoffs super hungry, amped as all get out, and with nothing to lose -- they've already won just by getting there, so they have nothing to prove. They will play loose and intense, while Canucks may be gripping their sticks a little tighter than they should, thinking about what they should be doing rather than just doing it instinctively. With that hockey mojo Jackel describes, how pressure works, and how momentum dictates the game, the hockey gods smile on the underdog.

This lifelong Canucks fan remains hopefully optimistic and cautiously pessimistic. 40 years of near-futility.....will this be the year....
I should have also added....very much looking forward to the super entertaining playoff games!
And, with anything short of a Stanley Cup, dreading the following 11 months of sports radio whinging ... the never ending story around here.
This is all fine & dandy to reference our tattered history but sooner or later it happens. Obviously later in the case of the Nucks. I believe they still have a very bad taste in their mouths from last year - OK Holmsey: at the hands of the Hawks - and don't believe complacency or lack of effort will permeate the situation this year.

I'll be pumped as ever this time around...
Jackel, only played for fun. I agree with what you said. Not advocating taking nights off. Just don't think the guys should be worrying about the odd loss down the stretch. If they win the President's trophy great but it not the one we want them to win. How many President Trophy winners go all the way? I think more get knocked out. Go into the playoffs confident, on top of YOUR game and not all beat up. I think the nucks in past years went in to the play offs on a roll. They had to play post season intensity from Christmas to make it in. Then they didn't have another gear left in the tank to raise their game, their more rested opponents did.
Now yer talking coilers on the nucks thread?

See you in the playoffs....... Prolly not:p