No I have never been to ''SVEED'IN'' Holmes, and I agree it's not in there DNA and it's not there role. Like you say Little Hawk it seems to be working fine for now, but play-offs can paint a different picture. It's just frustating to watch sometimes when the opportunity presents itself to step up and send a message! You're right King- Cod they've alway's played this way and it's not going to change. Just be nice to see them go deep into the play-offs and not get pushed around like in the past few years. Don't get me wrong Pro- Fisher, I want them to win just as much as you do. Daniel would have been right at the top in points with Hank last year if he had not got injured, anyway we all know what happened after that, don't we Holmes!!! There're BIG GUY'S, just once in a BLUE MOON, that's all I'm asking. O. K. I'l shut up now!!