CANUCKS'- 2010

"Salo" in the first 4 minutes of Moose game & scores a goal- Nice ;)

Best part didn't hurt himself afterwards going to the bench
He...(if he plays all) is done the 3 game conditioning clause by monday...... either sit for longer or come back to the big club.

I hope he is ready
i say 5-3 for the Hawks.....holmes*

MAN!!!..... You were close on that by one goal. And agin yer team pick was a little off..............
Canucks were outplayed, outworked and outchanced but most importantly the Hawks were out goalied even with two Hawk bounces. The Hawks and the Wings are the two clubs that look to be the toughest for the Nucks to get past. Hopefully the Hawks will miss the playoffs.
The Reffing unfortunately was also a large factor in the game with a two goal swing involved.
Well it was about time things went in the nuks favor usually its the reffing that kills us dont need to remind you of the hiy from behind along the blueline boards that resulted in lou putting up his arm for a penalty onlt to have the puck go past him like a bullet to end the playoffs for them. sometimes the reffing is shiat on every game, sometimes they suck ill call it karma!!!!!
btw thanks again holmes!!!!!
what the record against BCs team this year???LOL LOL

I have to agree we were outplayed much of the game and the refs finally make a **** call in our favor of which we are still owed hundreds before our long history of terrible calls against us if rectified!

After letting in yet ANOTHER crap goal because his stick wasn't on the ice, thankfully Lou woke-up and kept us in it for the onslaught. Sister's were great and it's good to see Burrows with that sniper's taste for blood again.

See Turco give Kess one in the nards? When he turned back at him I thought he would take his head off.
It was an entertaining game for sure. Chicago admitted they were giving it there all and treating it like a playoff game. I think if it had been a playoff game Vancouver still had more in the tank and could have elevated their game some more. I think Lou was on the same page as Chicago and it was a playoff game for him.
DAMN went on here looking for a prediction by MR HOLMES where are ya man?????cmon spill it cmon cmon WE are all waiting LOL LOL

Good luck Wolf
Man they have bad luck on the back end every year. Hope Ballard's knee is just a 2 week tweak.
Nice to see Samuleson coming alive again. I remember how devastating his wrist-shot was last year; almost as deadly as Nazzy's or Sundstrom's.
Now if we could just get Raymond and a coupla' others bagging a few, we'd be in fine shape.

Did you notice we fell into that too many passes crap again last night?

Henrick needs to be reminded that everyone expects him to pass, so mix it up once in awhile and shoot it. That close in chance where he tried to put it through legs over to Daniel was a classic case. Fake the pass, the goalie would have bit on it hard...the net would have opened up for him.
Well got a call from a buddy!!! he asks "what you doing tommorow???" me dont know why???? HE says got a set of free nuks game tickets....want to go????? HELL yeah so my plans are to go to the game wed then check out the boat show on say fun times.....

Well got a call from a buddy!!! he asks "what you doing tommorow???" me dont know why???? HE says got a set of free nuks game tickets....want to go????? HELL yeah so my plans are to go to the game wed then check out the boat show on say fun times.....


Have a good time Wolf! I too may be at BOTH......I will likely be (may have to fly to Calgary instead!!! :mad:) entertaining some clients in our corporate box and if the weather is good on Thursday take in the boat show as I'll be up at Whistler on the weekend.