CANUCKS'- 2010

I figure Cody - like everyone else under Vignault's (?) eyes - will have to earn his stripes.
Weird seeing that Dallas house near empty.
I'm pissed Edler went down just when his guns were startin' to shoot straight. Any word on the chance of him making it back for the playoff's?
I'm pissed Edler went down just when his guns were startin' to shoot straight. Any word on the chance of him making it back for the playoff's?

Yeah, bummer. But he's a young guy and it is not super serious ... he'll be back. Though I have my doubts about by the playoffs ... even if they say he will be, these things have a way of lingering. Personally, I think he's out for the season. On the other hand, surely Sami Salo must be getting closer, and at least this will free up the cap space to get him in without having to cut someone.
2-3 weeks....... Re-injured washing his hair
What's the word on Salo ?

I've heard no definite word on when he'll return. He's been practicing with the team for weeks as far as I know. But when asked when he'll be ready, answer is always something like "soon or maybe not".

I thought they were dogging it with cap games, keeping him on LITR until they could fit him in. But he didn't jump right back in when Edler got injured, so maybe not. That's a worry, older guy, serious injury taking way longer than expected to heal. He said he'd retire rather than coming back at less than 100%. I am ignoring the whispers from the ever-pessimistic life-long canucks fan in my head, and assuming both he and Edler will be in full form ready for the playoffs!
FYI all The G man Tony Gallager says that Salo took place in a full practice on a line with Ehrhoff. He predicts Salo plays Friday in Chicago.

My guess is Monday against Ottawa since the pace of this game would be slower than a Chicago game.

My bet for the upcoming pool is 3 games..... I call a shoulder injury.

Also is anyone else really impressed with Chris Tanev? For a young rookie he is calm and makes a solid first pass

Here is a picture of the last Time Salo played the Hawks....not such a good result


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That picture hurts just to look at!

I say we'll get 6 games then a camera flash will take him out for the rest of the season
6-0...... Road game, Back to back, Lou shut out, COHO 1st goal, Tanev and Sweatt playing real good, Kes hits the 30 plateau.

Not much to say about that game.

Edit.... I dont feel like looking for the former chumps....oops champs in the*, Eman..... could ya fill us in?
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the CHAMPS are 3rd in the central:pholmes*

If you look at the West standings, that 7th spot is a touchy one to be in;)
So what's that - 18 goals in three games?
Who are these guys?

"...ever pessimistic life long Canucks fan in my head..."
Good one Sookie, I can relate!
Hey Holmsey, the heart of the champs got traded to Atlanta. The reign of the champs is " one and done ". Looking forward to the upcoming games against the Hawks and next Saturday against the Flames.
Man they brought out a big can of whoop butt on that game last night part of me is excited but a part of me is wondering if thay can keep it up???
looks like they will be fine. not like last years winners LOL
You mean we have to adjust the pool to compensate for 3 AHL games now too?
Thanks Holmes*
WELL WELL holmsey comes out to play!!!!! well thanks you just gave us a win .....your such a good guy....

reverse the score espeicilly if turco is in net it should be turn around turco to retrieve the pucks he lets in!!!! LOL LOL