CANUCKS'- 2010

Holy crap.....although WASH isn't terrible they sure don't look that good? That had some good spurts, rushes and movement in our end, but they are hardly the offensive juggernaut they were last year? Ovechkin is a shadow of himself....not to mention Backstrom...........and that power does it ever look bad.
Very hard to believe how much Ovy has dropped off. Seemed like he could shoot from anywhere and it was in 90% of the time..the other 10% the goalie had to make an incredible save.
CMON holmsey what you prediction today???????????

They did look flat and they aren't burying the few good chances they are getting. Then taking chances later on...the short handed goal against was an example of trying too hard to come back. Hopefully a short term hic-up. They should be a bit pissed off going into Denver. Maybe a better effort will result.
We are still at the top of the mountain looking down at the rest of you.
they will be fine there still playing good bjust not getting the bounces like before not to panic............................. (YET) LOL
Luongo always looks off balance, for example that 3rd goal he is leaning wayyyy forward!! Have to be upright chest high, stick between legs...he just looks soo uncoordinated. Comparison to Schneids who is always in great position and never not in control of his body.
This game has the WORST camera work I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does no one in Colorado know how to follow a hockey game. This Ain't football baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holmes, I saw an email that was sent to a friend today and wish I could post it here. Caption was 'Why did BlackHawks sell their Zambon?' Then about 10 pictures of various hot babes wearing very little out (except Blackhawk jerseys) on the ice with shovels in hand. lol
Wellwood blows! He's a fairy.

Tough game last night. Terrible call on Beixa (?). What's our game coming to?
When will Lou learn to keep his goddam stick on the ice?
I heard the Hawks wanted to sign Wellwood but he declined. Something about that team only winning every 50 years and he doesn't have that long!!! lol
Tough game last night. Terrible call on Beixa (?). What's our game coming to?

I missed the Bieksa call unfortunately.

As for what the game is coming to.....I think the favourable schedule the Canucks had in the first half is catching up to them this month. They play 14 games in 25 days so the guys may be a bit tired but still....that shouldn't be an excuse. Anderson did play pretty well as I wouldn't say the Nucks were "outplayed" in the game at all; our PK did suck though. :mad:

All of the "secondary" scoring is going to hell for the most part.....we had 3 lines producing points about a month ago but now the 'other forwards' just aren't getting it done. It's the Twins, Kesler, Burrows and the d-men that are getting the points.

When will Lou learn to keep his goddam stick on the ice?

Or....when will he learn to stay "up" in the net instead of always going down. :rolleyes:
Hey what's that Johhny Cash song, down down that burning ring of fire, good to see the Lou of old returning to form

Jackel....I realize you are a hater ;).....and looking back through your posts I see you cheering for St. Louis in one post.....I really, really do hope that 'they' are not your team. I am thinking that you are 'old school' though; an immigrant from the east at some point in your life and you cheer for the Leaves?

If I am wrong....please let us know....inquirng minds are dying to know who the haters love??? :p ;)
Gee Pippen don't take it so hard. Having fun bashing the knuckleheads. Never cheered for then never will. Go through some more of my old posts and you will see who I cheer for, Go Leafs Go

Ha ha.....I don't take it that hard....I just like to "bash back". ;) Believe me....I have 2 buddies back east who are Leave fans and they love to bash the's all in good fun.

I kinda thought you were a Leaf fan.....didn't have time to dig back that far though to see when you had something positive to say about them :eek: that would have been a giveaway that you WERE a Leaves fan. :p a Toronto fan....have you ever read Down Goes Brown? Holy crap is his blog funny....Toronto fan or just a hockey fan. His "best of" is great.
YEAH ol lou didnt play well last night but then he makes a great save look so easy I really think sometimes it just a lack of concentration thats all. the oficals were just down right brutal last night the call on bieksa was one of the most terrable calls, then you got that goof foote who crosschecked the hell out of the sedins and a high stick on kesler with a crosscheck right on to the side of his head right in front of the ref WTF a penalty is a penalty.
Im surprised kes didnt get up and beat the shiat out of him sometimes we need a fighter to get in there and kick some butt too bad for Rypien as im sure he will never be back again......

Yup.....I love the Juniors too :cool:; can't say the same about the Leafs. ;)

Oh...and as for draft picks....I think Saint Brian already has your first round pick accounted for this year; it's in a filing cabinet in Boston. :p :eek: