CANUCKS'- 2010

Thought id see what holmes predicted for tonights game???? nothing??? WTH cmon man when you do predict we win so dont STOP now LOL LOL
well it was a messy win but they got it thats all that counts 2 more points past that other team.... LOL LOL

Isles were impressive against the Nucks. Over 90 shots taken in the game kept it interesting.
The Isles are the hottest team in the east through the last 10 games.... lets not forget that.....And yes except the hacks game

Pretty lack luster game for the soon to be champs ;)
Even you would have to admit Holmes - this is a pretty impressive run here.
You gotta beat the bet to be the best Holmes! And you guys proved that last year!!! But unfortunatly your far from the best this year!
hey david i call a spade a spade, but you can only dance around an issue so much b4 ya just finally have to admit that they are on a real roll, i also know that what goes up eventually comes down, and the playoffs are a whole nother season, rite?...nuck fans know that cause the HAWKS beat them 2 yrs in a row, once to go on to win lord stanleys cup, atleast yall can take some solice in the FACT that ya lost to the stanley cup champions...:Dholmes*

*holmes*....... Many years from now...gray hairs..... sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair, sporting a circa '09 jersey......"Did I ever tell you about the Hack run of '09"

(edit) or '10.... When he's that old he probably wont remember either
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cmon holmes PLEASE give us a score...........LOL LOL
only 30 mins left......

holmes.... we need a prediction for tomorrow... (make sure the caps win)

These boys better turn it around.... the way they have been playing I dont think they will make the playoffs.... :mad:

:rolleyes: ;)
I cant believe Lou lost us another game :D
Jerk................ you were really helpin us there
Did anyone else notice the Fish Farmers commercial during the game last night? Used the Nigerian web scam to poke fun at the anti-farming lobby.
Cmon man you had the trend going you would predict a loss and we would win ...... for humor sake predict a loss for us tonight ???? ok thanksLOL LOL

Did anyone else notice the Fish Farmers commercial during the game last night? Used the Nigerian web scam to poke fun at the anti-farming lobby.

Crap....I missed it....musta been when I was flipping back and forth between Canucks, Oprah and Ellen during the first period. :p :eek: :eek:
thats no damn good cmon man SCORES!!!!!!!!
Cant use my material LOL LOL
The next long run has begun.
WELL looks like we did it with out holmes prediction LOL LOL but thanks anyways you did predict a win and a lose!!!!!! man you were bang on this time.... LOL LOL