Camble River or Sooke


Crew Member
O.K. If any of you have read my last post we were looking for some place to stay around Sooke but have started to think about Camble River... What do you guys think Camble or Sooke for last 2 weeks of Aug.. Were are the better fish ??????
I figure if you fish in sooke you'll do pretty well.

I figure if you go to campbell river you'll end up packing up and going to nootka sound or stay and wish you chose sooke instead.

Maybe somebody that fish's campbell river could have more info on that time of year, but it doesn't really have a great reputation as a hot spot these days.
Why don't you think more of the west coast Renfrew,Barclay or Nootka sound.Far better fishing that time of year and you should be able to get accomadations if you book now.
Family activaties have alot to do with were we go at this time of year. The boys usually do a stag trip out west every year so as to were the fish are thats a given, We do our fish trip. What I'm looking for is a good all round place so the kids can catch a few and the ladys can do there thing (shop) I think Camble has a lot to offer in all matters. Give me some input good or bad...
quote:Originally posted by walleyes

Family activaties have alot to do with were we go at this time of year. The boys usually do a stag trip out west every year so as to were the fish are thats a given, We do our fish trip. What I'm looking for is a good all round place so the kids can catch a few and the ladys can do there thing (shop) I think Camble has a lot to offer in all matters. Give me some input good or bad...
Sorry screwed up that last post. Campbell River can be really good fishing towards the end of August. A real mixed bag of fish can be caught especially up in the Narrows. Some big Springs can be caught right out front of town and the weather should be good. You'll definatley have a good trip.
Victoria is only 30 mins away fom sooke and if they like flowers and stuff about 45 mins to butchart gardens.for the kids Sooke pot holes a great swimming spot on the sooke river 5 mins max from sooke.

Good luck Wolf
not sure about this one anymore, but what about pacific lions, is it private now or can anyone stay there, that might be an idea, and if u dont mind lauching the boat everyday u have lots of camping ideas around sooke (or close too it)
The Campbell River can be great fishing in August. There are also some great campsites and RV parks on nearby Quadra Island and some have boat launches. From there you can also hit Desolation Sound and Savary Island for prawning and crabbing. Sentry Shoal and Grants Reef on an early morning tide or last thing in the evening are good producers as well.
Powell River is also a great spot, we have freshwater lakes and beaches right into town and areas such as Coho Point, Harwood Island and Grants Reef are just minutes from the harbour. Willingdon Beach Campsite is right on the water with a Park beside it and a wilderness area full of hiking trails right in the centre of town.

Here is a local link
How about China Creek on the alberni inlet .Great for kids ,not to far to Sport Lake and long Beach and the ladys can shop in Alberni or drive back to the mall capital of the world Nanaimo
Kitty Coleman Park Roughly half way between Courtenay and Campbell river has a launch and RV sites, not sure about hookups, somebody up that way will know, great spot.Havent fished up there for 8 or 9 years, used to be not too bad.Salmon point resort is a little further up the road you can tie up they have a manmade basin, little dicey on low tide to get back in.Also has a pub on the water,again havent been up that way for awhile.There used to be another one Pacific Playgrounds I think,anyhow someone up that way will have more up to date info hope that helps. DAN
Try getting a hold of Saltwater Cowboy I think that Cambell river is were he plays.
Send me an email directly if you need to.
I live between Campbell River (don't forget the "P")and Comox/Courtenay.
Lots of accomodations between the two locations.
Pacific Playgrounds is still operational as is Salmon Point Resort and about 8 other resorts in the Saratoga Beach area.
Camping, cabins, Hotels, Motels, B & B's, golf, shopping, museums, fishing, scenery etc....
Fishing may (and is) better at some other locations around the Island but it sounds like you have more planned.
I can personally say that fishing in the last few years in August is a for sure bet to get springs sometimes limits. but you have to work the area and you will get fish

Good luck Wolf
quote:Originally posted by wolf

Victoria is only 30 mins away fom sooke and if they like flowers and stuff about 45 mins to butchart gardens.for the kids Sooke pot holes a great swimming spot on the sooke river 5 mins max from sooke.

Good luck Wolf

Yup, what Wolf says. Sunny Shores is the ticket. I've taken my wife and kids there, they love it. I've heard it's up for sale though, not sure of the particulars on that but check it out. Kids can ride their bikes, fish for perch off the dock, swim in the Sooke river or the pool on site, play mini golf, you can go to Victoria (or Langford) to shop. Dad can fish for Springs till his heart's content!! [:p][8D]:D Life is good!!!! :)
yeah, the last 2 weeks of aug was insane for fishing in sooke (last year). it was my first year fishing sooke and loved it. i was out there every day off, and early in the morning, never got skunked too!
Yah we been doing the Sooke thing for quite a few years now and feel its time to try something different this year.. By the sounds of it we should do o.k. I guess its like any other place if their there their there, if not you won't do great.. I am looking forward to trying the prawning. And hopefully we can put a few hogs in the boat..
We booked 2 cabins at Salmon point it looks like a nice place very similar to Sunny Shores. Boy that place will be missed when its gone.. With the value of property and lack of prime real estate left out there I can't see many of those kind of places making it very long..
Thanks for all the feed back and keep them coming a person can never have to much knowledge about someplace..
I would recommend going to the West Coast (either Port Renfrew, Nootka or Barclay Sound) if you want to catch more and bigger fish.

Campbell River can be crowded with too few fish around. With the over fishing of the herring in Georgia Strait and the loss of numerous small streams to urban development the fishing has declined for sure.

My father in-law has been a dedicated streamkeeper in Campbell River for over 15 years and he is seriously thinking about calling it quits because after all the hard work to bring back several streams is wasted when there are no or little returns. He says its beacuse the amount of feed for salmon is decreasing over time and as a result the sea survival rate for fish that originate in the Georgia Strait's is getting worse and worse. That's partly why I would not recommend CR and area.
quote:Originally posted by walleyes

O.K. If any of you have read my last post we were looking for some place to stay around Sooke but have started to think about Camble River... What do you guys think Camble or Sooke for last 2 weeks of Aug.. Were are the better fish ??????

i called Sunny shores to try and book for the summer and was
advised they have sold ! when asked if they would be open for business summer 2007, the reply was very vague.
that's gonna be rough on Sooke fishermen losing 2 marina's in
two years!
i can't imagine what a zoo Cheanuh and Pedder will be .:(