Browns Bay Reports?

And... well .... I got myself a nice 35 today. Beauty day... Then about 1000 dolphins surrounded the boat and they even let us touch them. It was pretty amazing.


Another white one.
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Nice spring fishbc jealous how much u get out there prolly won't be back to bb till thanksgiving for some chum sigh...
You doing the Derby Scalper66?

I'm wondering if these whites, aren't the Harrison run fish.. Quite a few around. They may be here for a bit yet.
You going to post the picture of the 35#er .org????

Weighed twice Owen once on the boat scale, and once on brown's by the cleaning table.
It's a bit of an awkward pic but the belly is there, and it was 35. It was actually quite a bit thicker than the first one above. Just camera distance, and I think in the first pic I was holding the fish out a bit and it just looks bigger than this last one. Hard to say. Two scales and a few witnesses can't be wrong lol.
Heads up for anyone going. Fish the wall just left of the marina entrance including cannonball alley BUT, drop between 100 and 120 with your gear. 6" anchovie with a 48" leader behind a green flasher.. dead slow troll, and stay between 120 and 140 feet of water.. anything deeper and you'll miss them.. (Trolling anything but a crawl is only producing coho). You're actually super close to shore in the hit zone.. If you fish the first bay north, the point of that bay has a reef so be careful with your balls, but if you swing right hard, on the reef it is a hit zone too. Springs are holding there. In fact I've hit springs right near the cave in cannonball alley, then dead middle of the first bay in 120 to 140, and then on the reef itself at the northern point of the first bay. You can troll the second little bay to the white rock too if you want, but I've found just sticking inside the first bay back and forth from the cliffs to the reef is producing. Stay in that depth with your gear at 100 and 120 and you just might get lucky.
So you found two bad scales a couple of suckers and a picture of a 15-20lber when are we going to see the 35#er?

LOL @ 15 - 20.

Look at the top photo. I am a pretty broad shouldered guy 210 Lbs. Easier to tell in the top photo where fish looks large. (Yet actually smaller than the 2nd fish).

Now skip to second photo. Appears I have the weight of a 150 Lb crack head. I either dropped 50 - 60 Lbs in a week or the camera angle / photo is odd.

Going to go with odd camera shot, as I think I'm actually gaining weight.

Also note top photo to 2nd photo the distance of my fingers on the tail of each fish. The fish is slouched in second photo and tucked far closer to body, as it was much heavier to hold.

The second fish was far beefier to hold, and much rounder in the belly.

When I held the fish by the gills over my shoulder headed off the docks the tail was slapping me in the back of the knee, and when holding it shrugged up halfway up my ribs to try and get it int the garbage bag, the tail was hitting the ground.

Now you're going to make me go for a bigger one just so I can get a more "better" photo for you aren't you?
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Anybody getting a little gunshy about posting weights of their fish yet? Nice fish and thanks for posting up the details.
Been sometime since I have been to BB so next trip I will try your tips and see how that goes.
It's refreshing to see reports with details and pictures, keep it up.
Nice pic's and reports FishBC. Good to see you getting out there alot. Nice tin can too:cool:.
I'm going to try for Thursday. The forecast is rain for a week straight so staying dry is not an option... That's ok though. There's no real wind so a bit of drizzle won't bother me. I was hoping to get out today but wife's got me booked today and tomm. I did a bit of homework. There's a good chance some of these Harrison fish could stick around a couple weeks yet. GLG stick right on that mark, and eventually you'll hit one. Anything deeper than 140 except right off cannonball alley isn't producing. I have had a few pop offs during the swing back where the water drops to about 500 with gear down 120. I've been finding I'm hooking up about 50/50 now with springs and coho. All at 100 to 120 for gear ... Still getting the odd pink but they're thinning out now. Have hooked into a few chum already too!. Oh and check every once in awhile for shakers. Even they're hitting 6" anchovies, and the odd ling will grab the shaker if you don't remember to check.

I've also been told by the other fellow who's been hitting slabs there (He's got as many as me), that he's fishing gear at 88 feet swinging right into near shore along the kelp bed at around 100 to 110 and hitting his slabs there. He also told me that the Harrisons will be there into late Oct / Early Nov, and then in Nov another Campbell run comes in there in Nov with some great fishing to be had, long after most people hang up their spring gear thinking that there's none around. Might want to keep those boats in the water a bit later this year fellas.
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