Browns Bay Reports?

Strangest coloured pink i've ever seen then, never seen them with such a deep green on their back and on their head like that.
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Anyhoos. Got my Browns Slab today.

I had guessed it to be 27
Official weight (weighed - 29 Lbs 15 oz ) (Sick. 1 oz short of tyee).... Not a tyee but near. No problem. There's bigger there yet. Was a great day on the water!


Today was a 6" anchovie day, gear at 120, water.. well I wasn't paying attention as I was rigging the second line up, but I suspect 150 ish.
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I think we put six pinks in the boat also. Released a few coho. A friend of mine put a 29 in his boat today on the wall, a couple hours after we hit mine. We just fish the wall. No need to fish north, or even Cannon Ball Alley. What were ya driving Lazoman?
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Were you on the wall, or did you head up to greensea? Think I saw your boat out there though.
Saw a buddy of mine John too.. Welded alum (Beauty boat) Twin 225's or 250's can't remember.. Just love his boat lol.
Took the crew over to plumper for some pinks, then I passed by you at the wall, 120', before heading in. Couldn't stay out there long, they had an attention span of about 17 sec......and no phone reception.....
Took the crew over to plumper for some pinks, then I passed by you at the wall, 120', before heading in. Couldn't stay out there long, they had an attention span of about 17 sec......and no phone reception.....

Haha I bet!. I took my 3 and 5 year old kids out once. The 5 year old (daughter) is a real trooper / fisherwoman. Doesn't complain, but the boy (3).... yeah he's a bit fidgety lol.

The pinks we were hitting were all at 88, 99, and 120 all on the spring gear (6" anchovie)

Also managed to catch a gull, whilst trying to get my gear down ... Flew it like a kite into the boat haha, then ended up picking it up, bringing it in the boat, and it sat still while I removed the teaser head from it's tongue. Bird must have recognized I was helping it, as it sat on the back of the boat for awhile after just hanging out. Have a video of it, if I can figure out how to get it downloaded from the camera :)
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Nice Pink..... hey if you caught a Sockeye would ya know what that looks like????

I've caught many sockeye. Just no pinks until I moved here.
Usually when the pinks were around up north I was busy fishing the bars in the Skeena for springs Duffer. I didn't get a single soc this year though. They were there but I was fishing anchovies for springs.
I caught a gull once in the backcast while flyfishing. I was species champ for one day, caught a mussel, rainbow, pink, sock, gull and a kid (thank goodness for barbless hooks).
Gotta be careful when walking behind a fly fisherman, I felt like crap for it too. Maybe this year was karmic retribution.
Well today I was out. Put a 22 Lb VERY dark spring in the boat, along with a nice 18 Silver. We hit ALOT of coho, but did manage 2 hatchery out of a large number of wild throwbacks. 4 pinks in the boat as well, gave my two buddies their total limits, all within 3 hours. Was a good time. Took me over an hour just to get the blood off the boat.
Funny how some springs there are bright silver, and some are super dark.
Snapped a photo while fueling before heading back out to finish the limit.
You can see how dark the spring is. The silver I got after the photo was done.


And get this.... No sooner did we finish my friend's limits, did one of them pull out two bananas out of their lunch bags... I was like WTF No Bananas, but he managed to engulf one, as the 2nd one was flying from his hands into the water.

Good thing he waited until we were done, before displaying his bad luck charm.
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No spring love at all today.. A couple good pops, but nothing that would stick... Few pinks in the boat, and three really large northern coho that got to swim another day thanks to no clipping. Was a decent day anyhows. Saw C.S. (Hoping he did better than me), and got hailed by Tortuga from greensea, (Also hoping he did better than me).

Threw an entire arsenal at the springs, but come up empty.
I wonder if the rain hasn't prompted some of them onwards.
Will know soon. Could have just been an off day.
Worked Chattam and Greansea and nothing but a few pinks. Word was that Denham and Hall were dead too.
The solar lunar tables were bang on. Nice day out there tho.
Couln't believe seing so 6 or 7 OBMG boats up there. Would have been a wet ride up there in their rain slickers.
I may try in the next few days.. I think something was just off yesterday. I'll see what I hear from those out today. Any nice coho Tortuga?