Browns Bay Reports?


I don't see a spring :rolleyes:
What do you see then? It's no coho, nor a pink, nor a sockeye, nor a chum?
Way too large for anything but a spring or coho, and it's not a coho, so what is it then?
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I see a pink on page 10
If that is a pink... It was frankly huge then...Like twice as thick as any of the others I saw, and certainly did not look the same. I did find it's face a bit funny for a spring but the tail / back was certainly spring like, or at least far more similar to the undeniable springs, than to the pinks we were catching. Odd for sure. Good thing I threw it back then. I've plenty of smoked pinks in the freezer. I just found it looked much more like a spring than all the pinks I have caught out there, and I can't even count how many that has been. The spots to me seemed far more spring like than the pinks out there. I found the mouth too light though too which puzzled me as the others had black inside.
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Im not trying to be a dick, so please dont take it as such. but that looks NOTHING like a spring. Has 0 spring characteristics other then its fat and a salmon.
Brian this could help you next time you are out..... On the left side of the page there is a thing to help you identify your fish. After 30 years of fishing I was sure you knew how to tell.......LOL sorry but we had to lead you on a little....

Owen I had a species chart in front of me. Take a close look at the spots although hard to see in the photo. I did find the face odd, but the spots threw me off lol. Then again that's the biggest pink I have ever caught yet then. I never even bothered catching pinks until I moved here, so that's quite new to me. Thank you however for clearing that up. Coho and Spring was the target where I used to fish. Sockeye we also caught but never pinks.
Im not trying to be a dick, so please dont take it as such. but that looks NOTHING like a spring. Has 0 spring characteristics other then its fat and a salmon.

Naw it's cool Lorne. It confused me in the boat as well because it didn't look like a pink to me, but a spring with a light colored mouth, but the spots to me were similar, and spaced more like spring than pink in comparison is all.
The tail was certainly not shaped like the pinks I have been catching, nor like what I see in DFO's photo either. The tail was shaped far more like a spring's but I wish I had a better photo of that. Of course you guys must be correct because you've been catching these a long time. It just puzzled me is all.

It certainly doesn't look like the pinks I had caught, nor like what DFO says is a pink either.


but didn't have the black mouth neither... Would probably explain then why it was a 24".
If it is a pink as you guys probably know then it was sure decent size.
I just found that the spots were alot smaller on it, than on the rest of the pinks we caught.

I'll keep that info on me for next time.
Next question is why do most people consider pinks cat food since this year is my first experience with them, but they do seem to taste good smoked.
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It may be a large hen. They would be more round than the males.... Is hard to tell in the pic though... Pinky hue and the scale layout/size is a dead give away

Next question is why do most people consider pinks cat food since this year is my first experience with them, but they do seem to taste good smoked.

I would rather process 4 springs for a smoker load than deal with a dozen slime balls. Pinks do smoke fine and are edible fresh. I don't like the flavor of them. Find them bland and mushy. The only one I kept this year went to the inlaws and they enjoyed it ;) In the beginning of August I figured how to keep the pinks off my bait and only got one for the month
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It may be a large hen. They would be more round than the males.... Is hard to tell in the pic though... Pinky hue and the scale layout/size is a dead give away

I would rather process 4 springs for a smoker load than deal with a dozen slime balls. Pinks do smoke fine and are edible fresh. I don't like the flavor of them. Find them bland and mushy. The only one I kept this year went to the inlaws and they enjoyed it ;) In the beginning of August I figured how to keep the pinks off my bait and only got one for the month

Thanks!. We used to do most of our fishing out of Rupert, and there are pinks there, but they are not a common catch like here, and I don't recall ever having caught one until I moved here. I don't believe I ever fished Rupert even in August though either. Usually at that time we're well into the Skeena fishery.
Interesting that they're taking large anchovies along with the springs down so deep. I know that the other 5 were certainly spring though being much larger, and black mouths, darker faces as well. Thanks for all the info everyone. I guess there's always something still to learn.
For me the pinkish Hue is hard to see as I am partially color blind, so rely on the other characteristics of fish not by choice, but because I have to :)
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re pic on page 10, they call them humpies for a reason. Small scales and even in the dark pic you can see the large oval spots on the tail.
Ok. I switched up today. Green flashers 88 feet and 98 feet with glow white hoochies...

I lost another line screamer, so time to bump my test line up to 40. ... 25 with a 40 lb leader is not enough for the biguns there.

I did get a consolation prize though.


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There's some big slabs there. Just got to get one into the boat. Spending today re-arranging some gear and a better set up that they won't be snapping. Hoping to hit it tomorrow.