thx Blair , love the long arm shotz

thought id put up another shot for ma smartazz Crab Master Googan ,
my biggest early July fish for me im thinkin
yes 36 lbs , caught out at Southbank on friday i think it was , 120 feet in 150 water , glow hooch
Turtle and Anvil was the place to be , was loaded all mornin on friday , 10- 25lbs ,
bonked right in front of Osama lol,
gave him and his crue a close up shot of the secret hole it came from lol..
Fished for 4 days with 2 good buddies , water was brown for the first couple days , didnt affect the fishin much i thought ,
inshore was the same as last , scratchy , one here or 2 there , Swale and Allen Pt produced well for smaller to medium springs between
4-15 lbs , Effingham really improved over the past 2 days it sounds , a little bigger there now to ,
also heard the red can ( Uki ) was loaded with smaller springs on Saturday , talked to friends that fished Rats , Flat-Top , small springs with a few teeners thrown in ,
good hali !!
Crabbing SLOWWWW in the Nook area , man did it get mopped up...
yes the water has really cleaned up well now , spoke to a few still on the water today , inshore is getting much more consistent.
we had a great trip as usual , finally got a few hali as well , thx Blair n Jeff
, stopped by Mills Landing , Holy crap was there alotta fish bein processed , Matt n Jeff had there hands full
glad your doin well Diane n Jerry
stopped in at China Creek on the way in and out , Sockeye fishin for our type is dead still ,
i feel for the guys bookin trips for this specific fishery , so inconsistent , yes Commy boats as far as the eye could see rollin in
gd lk fellas , go get em
a lesser arm shot
thought id seen it all , motorcycle doin the Bam gravel rd , pissin monsoon rains ,
a Chemical truck in front of him spreading a liquid down to keep the dust down in the future ,
Nish ???