Well boys that was a blast, it was hard to believe it was November. 3 days in a row we were down to T-shirts for part of the day. Prawning was better than I thought it was going to be, usually by this time its starting to pick up again, but it's decent and likely will keep getting better right through the winter/spring in typical fashion. There's been a lot of bitching about prawns lately, and how they are all gone and fished out and .... well they're not, they're there, you just have to find them. We did a few dives in between the prawn soaks and its amazing how much fresh water is in the surface layer out there, the top 5-6 feet is a mix of fresh and salt-water and beneath that is warmer salt-water, was pretty cool. The garbage can on the deck in Bamfield had 21 inches of rain it from the time we left the tuna derby until 2 weeks ago - about 6 weeks or so. And its rained more since then too. We mixed in a little bit of sea urchin and sea cucumber with the other stuff, both firsts and wow that stuff is good too. The cookie has some pics, maybe he can post? A lot of laughs, good times and empties. The jager chronicles continue.