Bamfield Poett Nook 2014- 2015

the fog ducker

Well-Known Member
As promised , a solid report ta open up the anticipated 2014-2015 Season..
Was hopin some new blood would get this goin , took a bit of a break , this forum is a chit show in the winter … MY GOD ! as Hopper would say… no wonder hes not on here anymore…
Anyways , ta fishin.. id say this was the best winter ive ever seen as far as production goes ,
The fishing was fantastic all winter , I also realized that im one of very few jackasses that fishes in that nasty stuff , we make the best of it , liquid heat keeps us in check ,
Its only April , and we have already seen fish close to 20 lbs , heard of a nice school that went through diplock I believe on Saturday , by some Nookers and a local guide , 18-22lbs was average I was told … we missed that bonanza..

We were well into over 40 fish over 4 days , gave our new Amundson Blue reels a serious workout , zero issues so far , guys are talking about line creep ?? , ive fished em all now I think , both mr2 and mr3 as well , guys , it’s a different animal , no need ta wind up , or load ur rods so heavily to the DR clip , lay off a bit , tighten your drag a bit tighter , you need ta be on it ,when the pin pops , get on er loosen ur drag immediately , its NOT a big deal , BUT , when fighting a fish , sorry man , they ROCK , smooth , just a different animal , toy vrs a finely tuned machine , love em so far PNT !!

Anyways back ta fishin , we put on some serious mileage in not so good conditions , but found loads of fish, we did well at Bradys on Friday , scrapin bottom , Saturday was great right out front , Ninat to Sarita , we found pockets of nice size schools of 6-8 lb fish in Trevor Channel , and moved out , let them grow up is the right ethical thing to do !!!! wasn’t a biggy , we found more fish at diplock shortly after,

All in All , seems like most fish are In deeper in the Sound right now , Swale , Diplock and Vernon were the best spots ,but if ya put a bit of time into any of these spots , fishin 100 -160 on the rigger , in 200 feet of water , you should be able ta get into them , needle fish and 3.5 in spoons were deadly , zero bait all winter again !!

back with the Striper in 3 weeks !! cant wait``

Wow , just heard Bamfield was hit with a 6.7 earthquake as I type , Bamfield Emergency Program just emailed me !!

Have a great season fellas , stay safe out there, see ya all soon
Sum shotz


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Thanks again Felix !
Now I have to go sit in my Striper to relieve the anxiety LOL
Going to be up there in June , maybe see ya out on the chuck !
Good report Ducker, we will be up first weekend in May for the first time this year. We allways look to the forum for your reports

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Is this the original Fog ****** you used to hound the sound in?

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To whom it may concern!"Thanks for not stealing my prawn traps at least reset them a little closer to original and a little shallower "

There has been a bandit the past few months checking traps in the sound im told ,
i personally didnt have any issues other than guys reading my buoys and setting on top of me ,
usually just give them a free 100 meter tow jobby ,
but theft has been pretty low from the guys i network with ,
dont like pointing fingers , its pretty quiet out there in the winter , but , i did notice
alot of Commercial type prawning goin on , yankee bay got cleaned out a few weeks ago ,
there were traps everywhere , Native ?? not sure , but prawning sucked last outting for us ,
atleast compared to past seasons !! ,
almost zero sports pressure this season again.... frustrating
buddy came up with a good idea , atleast for monitoring your traps , you can buy tie raps , or zap straps in various colors ,
mix it it up , record the color(s) you use to seal your traps , if someone checks your trap , you will know for sure !!


That's a great idea,fog ducker!Gonna pick up some small zip ties in different colors and do that next time I'm out prawning.Thanks for the tip.
Attach razor blades in various location maybe you will get lucky with a blood sample
Way to many guys 'sport fishing' and selling their catch. Stocks can't take that kind of pressure. Then get greedy and grabbing others catches as well.

The Fog Ducker;345790]There has been a bandit the past few months checking traps in the sound im told ,
i personally didnt have any issues other than guys reading my buoys and setting on top of me ,
usually just give them a free 100 meter tow jobby ,
but theft has been pretty low from the guys i network with ,
dont like pointing fingers , its pretty quiet out there in the winter , but , i did notice
alot of Commercial type prawning goin on , yankee bay got cleaned out a few weeks ago ,
there were traps everywhere , Native ?? not sure , but prawning sucked last outting for us ,
atleast compared to past seasons !! ,
almost zero sports pressure this season again.... frustrating
buddy came up with a good idea , atleast for monitoring your traps , you can buy tie raps , or zap straps in various colors ,
mix it it up , record the color(s) you use to seal your traps , if someone checks your trap , you will know for sure !!

