what a great weekend , we look like we just came back from Cabo

sunny n warm for 4 whole days , little marine cloud first early am's..... till about 10 - 11 am , then perfect clear skies ,
hit 28 on Saturday i believe it was
fishing was good for us ,as well as a few others here it sounds ,,
ive been asked by guys here on the forum , few i bump into out there , where is all this HOT fishing were reading about ???
i cant speak on others reports , but it changes daily , here today , gone tomorrow , MOVE around ...change it up...
i pounded the sound pretty good , and i didnt see alot of boats , actually , barely any !! , odd for this time of year ??
m2b , the sound is far from hot , there are a few good pockets of fish no doubt , but Meares and Swale were the 2 areas that produced
consistently for most , areas like Beale , the wall , kiirby sanford flemming , cree , austin , ship were pretty scratchy to say the least ,
i spoke ta a few weekend warriors really putting in an effort outta the nook , in smaller rigs , , not alot of success , guys dont feel bad , the fish will come !!
I mostly seen guys , including ourselves hooking smaller fish , 6-10 lbs ,is that hot ?? "we" released most for another day ,
but , if ya put your time in , there were a good mix of fish from 12 - 18 lbs to be had , as well as a few in the low 20's,
, 2 x 25lbers came in from the wall over the wknd , promising !!
was a little concerned seeing a boat practicing catch and release with an old nylon net
, on deck , and then slingshot style release back into the water , pretty sad....cmon guys , really...
anyways , fish seemed to be all caught between 90 - 110 feet for me , was a total spoon show this time , 3.5 in spoons in
greens and blues , cop cars , Hordes cream colors etc... there is a healthy number of 4 inch herring in the sound ,
stomachs of our fish verified !! had a couple of fish that also had a couple of larger 5 inch squid in them , so turds or hoochies
may be an option around the surfline now too..
The sockeye fleet was out in full force yesterday , we opted ta stay off the water ,
seen dozens jockeying for position the night before , heard they were EVERYWHERE , 8 at pill point alone ,
bamfield all the way to the nook !!watch out for the nets guys , pain in da azz ,
not sure what days they will be out there , perhaps someone can find a link..
crabbing and prawning around the Nook " Very Poor "
zero male dungees left , 8-10 females on every pull ,
Commy's slammed it hard... hopefully it recovers soon..
anyways , thats a rap , its well worth getting out there guys , have fun..
just wanted ta say thank you to Ashley and Keith for workin there butts off , the docks
are getting a paint face lift , looks great " So Far "
Killer B ,,, that was a combo hello and " Get the F_ _ k away from me lol , (kidding)
we had a hog b-line straight for your boat , he almost spooled us ( 2nd fish below ) , glad ya had a great trip !!
Cousin Ken... Derby winner