Bamfield/Poett Nook 2013 Reports

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Nice reports folks. FD that day of yours is what we dream about all year. CZ nice fish and good to see The Chubby out on the West side!
Nicely done :) what fog???
Smoked a Tyee with Jeff and Chris last night while puddling the Harbour mouth. Played it out in my 10 ft dingy and Chris gaffed it from his boat. The most fun I've likely ever had playing a spring and the biggest gongshow. All on vid to boot! Posted a pic on the bc tough facebook page but cant link it as im on my phone. Insides been hit and miss. Big banks been steady with only few fish over 20. Weathers been brutal.
fished Thursday, Friday, Saturday offshore. fishing was good but had to sifted thru alota fish. weather was a bit ****** Friday and sats springs up to 27 pounds and halis to 30


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Looking forward to getting back out there again this weekend (and getting in FD's way again).

Any reports of the commercial tuna boats coming into Bamfield? Good intentions of wanting to get the boat offshore to catch those beasts but having some engine reliability issues that will keep us close in so forced to buy our sushi... Can someone drop a line if you see them in the harbour as I will bring an extra cooler.
Area 23 Chinook Retention Aug 1/2013
just a reminder ,


MAJOR Chinook Retention CHANGE in affect August 1 fellas

have a peek at the boundaries , lets all do our part and let em through..
lets not sling mud at each other of what will prob happen to em 50 miles east...

last week , there were quite a few under 77 cm at Swale Pill Diplock , good mix coho too,,

hv fun

Home from another good trip to Barley. Left Comox Friday about 6. Launched at Alberni and had a nice flat ride up to Julia to the float house. Hit the water for an early afternoon fish . Dumped some traps and started at swale. few smalls on the imperial side so moved into Seaschart side. Ended up with alow ta mid 20's a smaller one that was going to be dinner the next night and a decent Coho. Good start to the trip. Pulled traps,Had enough prawns to feed the four of us and blanks on the crabs.

Next day still too much wind for off shore we had a sleep in and then played around in the sound. Caught and released a bakers dozen of smalls. Some where definitely well past but we had 3 more days so enjoyed them and let swim another day.Ended the day with a couple dozen prawns and NO crab.

Sunday was bottom fish day so we hit a couple spots and closed the day out with 3 Hali one made about 40-45ish we estimated and the others where smalls but still appreciated. Threw in a fish hold full of yellow eye,vermillion and a couple LARGE rocks. weather was good and everything was shaping up for some offshore salmon the next 2 days .

Monday am we started at Mears and worked up to Cree. We got one decent spring,a couple Coho to be released and then headed out to turtle and Amphradite area.Was 1 of only a couple boats but was noon so we ground it out for a couple high teeners-low 20 maybe, 1 more hali trolling deep and a ling. Lost a couple good fish and one to a very stealthy Sea Lion that ended up breaking the rod tip off. All in all a good day and the water was getting flatter by the hour.

Tuesday was our last day so we made a straight run to about 13 miles out to find we where the only boat in sight. New spot for me and I was seriously doubting my choice . All the same we dumped the gear in and headed for the contours we found so interesting while looking at the chart only hours ago. Very shortly after we hit our first 2oish Lb spring. After that we enjoyed steady action for the next 5 hours and ended the day with full limits of springs for 4 guys and a pink for the smoker.

Best lures for us on the inside where 4" cop car 60 inches behind green flasher and a green splatterback Cuddlefish behind a betsy. Off shore was by far the blue meanie with a red L.E.D and a Betsy closely followed by a white hootchie with purple haze flasher and then the 6" 602 Tomic spoon /no flasher. Got springs from 57 feet to bottom.

Great trip with a great group of guys . Sad to leave that place. We have had it good over here on the east side for fishing this year,yet Barkley Sound and off shore fishing remains my favorite place on earth. I get a kind of peace from that area I seldom find anywhere else. Goes to show it is not always about limits ,but more about finding that one place in this world that makes you feel 100 percent connected and Happy.

Here are a couple pics from the trip.

Cam with the first good fish from Swale

Steve with the Hali from Sunday.

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good post Jencourt. I was at the cabin in Julia last week as well and fished hali about 20 miles off Uculet and could not keep them off the line, salmon bellies on the spreader bar worked. The next day we targeted salmon and found turtle head ..dead.. so picked up the gear and went to 10 mile and found the salmon on spoons with dark blue hues working the best down deep 150ft. and deeper. I am only two cabins south of you so if you see my boat Lucky Tiger stop by as I always have a libation or two to share. cheers Perry
Fished Fri Aug.2-4
Friday mid day hooked a nice spring in Yankee bay and got sealed at the point played it out for 20 minutes to get my line back

Checked into Poett and set up camp and ran up to Beale and fished back down to poet, lots of ho activity which was fun for the Alberta boys visiting

Sat. ran out to the Rats Nose it was a bumpy ride out for sure but worth the trip, pretty much non stop action, springs were mostly teeners but good fighting fish and lots of fun ,lots of ho activity again and picked up a nice ling. boys got their limit of springs

Fished the inside Sun morn in the fog before departure and landed a couple of nice springs

Opened the stomachs of the fish offshore and found either herring or shrimp

Anchovies did good for us and purple haze hootchies and green & white spoons

Good trip, will be back next weekend
BamField trip

Just returned from a 4 day trip with three of us. Great success both offshore and inside. Crew were green to ocean fishing, so spent the first afternoon at Mears releasing fish to 12 pounds, while learning to run equipment. Off shore Saturday and immediately hit 3- decent 20 pound Halibut. Brought gear up a few feet and started hitting Salmon, biggest was 35 pounds, 3 other mid 20's and 2 high teens. Sunday we were back outside and again caught 2 mid 20 pound Hali's before my crew started getting sick. Had to return to inside waters and failed to catch anymore fish worth keeping.


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Weekend at Bernies....I mean Bamfield. Stayed at Mills - thanks to Jerry and Diane for the great hospitality. Friday arrived and got a couple of nice coho off of Flemming in the afternoon on green/glow coyote spoons. Saturday to the tip of Rats Nose, 8 springs, a coho and 3 halis for the 4 of us. From the teens up to the 26lbs. Using Coyote spoons 85-100feet - 5" blue/chrome ultraviolet. There were a lot of fish out there so didn't use any tandem hook set ups when fishing for salmon to help with releasing. Dropped white glow hoochies to the bottom for our halis. We called it a day after we started catching springs right at the bottom. Slept in the next day and got a couple of coho off the wall nice and enjoyed the sunny weather once the fog burnt off. A great trip, back on the 22nd at a friends cabin in Julia passage.
good day on the banks, fishing was good and had the family out we fished til noon on sat got 10 spring 2 halis and 1 coho. biggest spring was 23 and hali 35. cleaned fish and then got Tuna Dons boat ready for a tuna trip in the evening


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Also had a good day on the banks Saturday. Had some family in from North Carolina. We started off early at Meares and immediately got into some small fish, but nothing to put into the cooler bag. Dragging a Bucktail behind the boat produced a couple of quick hookups with some wild Coho that were released. Trolled around there until about 815 just hitting small fish so we decided to pack up and head offshore.

Weather was relatively calm with very little swell (thanks for the great Swellwatch link to those above). Got our lines back in the water about 930-ish, a bit slow to start, but we picked up some Coho on both a Coho Killer and the Bucktail and had a bit of practice on the mooching rods for the newbys. About 1015 one of the rods started singing and my brother-in-law wrestled a 20-ish lb fish to the side of the boat. Fish took a run, but he tried to horse it back to the boat and learned a good lesson as we watched the spoon dangle sadly behind the flasher pulled free from the beast. A little mooching reel coaching, pep talks all around and rods back in the water.

Started to get into the Coho pretty hot and heavy and got 3 hatch jobs in the bag (with about a dozen or so released), including a nice sized fish on the Bucktail. Started dropping the lines deeper and deeper and found the magic mark at about 100-120 feet as all hell broke loose. My brother-in-law redeemed himself by bagging a nice 20lb fish, as I was gutting/gilling it, we had a rapid double header of 22lb twins by both the NC relatives. Got both of those into the tote with absolutely no time to bleed them so they went right on ice. Set the lines again, to yet another double header. This time, I got the chance to bring in a 21lb fighter, quickly netted as my Sister-in-Law is screaming at us to hurry up. Look over the side of the boat and she has a huge 29lb spring showing us it's belly at the side of the boat.

All 4 of us got the chance to land a big fish -- 5 springs over 20lbs in the span of about 20 minutes. I've had good days before, but I don't ever recall big fish coming in such rapid succession!!! Certainly a day the team-NC will never forget. We were lucky to get a good day, no wind, no fog and very little swell. I don't know if I've laughed so hard at all the fish coming in, nor have I ever been so busy -- my hat off to the guides that take newbys out every day -- man it's a load of work, but the smiles on their faces and hearing them tell the stories to the family was priceless!!! Drove back to the in-laws cabin on Lake Cowichan that evening and I think I finished vacuum bagging the last fillet at about 1030 and very quickly fell into bed.

We had all the success on either a green hoochy or green Coho Killer at 90ft and below for the big boys. Most of the pics are shared around on phones, but I got a good shot of the last double header in the tote with the biggie of the day -- note that the tote measures 33" end to end.

God Bless America


Funny for us when we where there the week before the long weekend. I think we took 12 springs from the off shore waters and two from inshore , not one of them was clipped that I can remember. seems ya hit different groups on different days.
Good to hear there are some decent fish coming in, will be back in Bamfield for the weekend, just waiting for Breakers to finish up a repower job on my boat.
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