Area 19+20 SalmonClosure

quote:Originally posted by OldBlackDog

Ok, let me get this straight. The rumor here is DFO is going to shut down JDF fishing etc. for March-May to conserve Fraser chinook when a majority of the fish around at that time are imature Washington State hatch fish. So from June on when the majority of fish are mature wild Fraser brood, they are going to open it again for fishing? I said pardon!?!?

Either the DFO has set the bar to new heights in terms of their ineptness or this closure will have to be extended through the entire year to actually protect Fraser brood.

Not an opinion, but a scary observation

This is about the Fraser early run chinook.
This is not about any other Fraser runs as they are ok at this time.
By the way, thanks for all those hatchery chinook.

What "early run" are we talking?

In my 20 odd years fishing JDF I have never heard of or witnessed a substantial "early run" of chinook until about the second week of the earliest. And I understood these are the early "snub nose" Fraser chinook (aka Columbians)that run through till the end of June/early July.
quote:Originally posted by JuandeOne

quote:Originally posted by OldBlackDog

Ok, let me get this straight. The rumor here is DFO is going to shut down JDF fishing etc. for March-May to conserve Fraser chinook when a majority of the fish around at that time are imature Washington State hatch fish. So from June on when the majority of fish are mature wild Fraser brood, they are going to open it again for fishing? I said pardon!?!?

Either the DFO has set the bar to new heights in terms of their ineptness or this closure will have to be extended through the entire year to actually protect Fraser brood.

Not an opinion, but a scary observation

This is about the Fraser early run chinook.
This is not about any other Fraser runs as they are ok at this time.
By the way, thanks for all those hatchery chinook.

What "early run" are we talking?

In my 20 odd years fishing JDF I have never heard of or witnessed a substantial "early run" of chinook until about the second week of the earliest. And I understood these are the early "snub nose" Fraser chinook (aka Columbians)that run through till the end of June/early July.

Fraser Chinook start as early as March(that I know of). They usually have F.N. F&C openings in the canyon in April-you know, the same time the wintering fall steelhead(thompson ect...) start moving to spawn.:(
quote:Originally posted by wolf

UUMMM yes we are feeling the pinch badly they already screwed us for a bit of hali season and now this ok how about you give me 4 months of wages to compensate me!!!!didnt think so!!!!kidding aside!!!

But thats ok I am fortunate enough to have a secondary trade as a chef but what about some other guys who are very close friends of mine where it is there only livelyhood.

Its just plain not fair we all work to make money you wouldnt like it if they said to you we are taking away some of your wages for a bit. We all have bills,morgages etc to pay we are canadian and all pay taxes, we all have different jobs the end result is work is work no matter what you do.


Do you fish Salmon in the early Spring Wolf ?
I thought that was your Hallie season
I do both RS but more hali then salmon but it is an option when it is too rough to go to the banks like i said work is work and we take what we can get!!!

Just wait another day and then we all will know what is going to happen.
Hey Wolf want to buy one of my boats.I've got to buy a bigger wood truck i
Sounds like Friday will be the day we hear whats up! Sounds like the pen has already been struck in Ottawa, now were just getting a week to dribble and whine to make it look like our concerns were tabeled before the minds to be decide our fishing future.

It is coming real close to not being worth the hassle and such. I see a new wakeboard boat in my near future. Had about enough of this inept DFO.

Trev, my folks may take another load from you again up Mt matheson way.
I think you'll see much longer and wide ranging closures. I just hope non-FN people can handle seeing the FN nets catching salmon as usual,without detailed and independent counts being adhered to.
It will be same old same old. Heaven help anyone who points out the inequity or the lack of accountability with regards to acurate numbers being harvested.You will be labelled a racist,nice.
Gotta love the race based fisheries don't you.
Last time I checked my birth certificate it said born in Vancouver.
Quess that means I own the fish stocks less than FN people,NOT!!
There will be mass revolt if specific people are allowed to fish with impunity,hope the government is pepared for the crap that will descend on the sport this year..:(
LC .9:00am in Nanaimo.Wardo is going he is going to call me as soon as it's done.Keep your fingers crossed.
quote:Originally posted by abbyfireguy

I think you'll see much longer and wide ranging closures. I just hope non-FN people can handle seeing the FN nets catching salmon as usual,without detailed and independent counts being adhered to.
It will be same old same old. Heaven help anyone who points out the inequity or the lack of accountability with regards to acurate numbers being harvested.You will be labelled a racist,nice.
Gotta love the race based fisheries don't you.
Last time I checked my birth certificate it said born in Vancouver.
Quess that means I own the fish stocks less than FN people,NOT!!
There will be mass revolt if specific people are allowed to fish with impunity,hope the government is pepared for the crap that will descend on the sport this year..

Do us all a favour and take your bee ess politics and chest beating to Fish BC where they love to post the same tired arguments over and over and over.[V]
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath

quote:Originally posted by abbyfireguy

I think you'll see much longer and wide ranging closures. I just hope non-FN people can handle seeing the FN nets catching salmon as usual,without detailed and independent counts being adhered to.
It will be same old same old. Heaven help anyone who points out the inequity or the lack of accountability with regards to acurate numbers being harvested.You will be labelled a racist,nice.
Gotta love the race based fisheries don't you.
Last time I checked my birth certificate it said born in Vancouver.
Quess that means I own the fish stocks less than FN people,NOT!!
There will be mass revolt if specific people are allowed to fish with impunity,hope the government is pepared for the crap that will descend on the sport this year..

Do us all a favour and take your bee ess politics and chest beating to Fish BC where they love to post the same tired arguments over and over and over.[V]

It may be a tired argument...but he is 100% right about those who say natives shouldn't get a seperate fishery being labelled racist. It's ridiculous. And I agree with the birth certificate being in Vancouver etc. Well said abbyfireguy! It's nice to see someone finally not always trying to be politically correct, even if off topic a bit from the thread.
quote:Originally posted by new generation

I'm native,will aboriginals still be allowed to fish?

Only blindfolded with your left wrist tied to your right ankle:)

I'm sure this will go over like a tonne of bricks:
The FN fishery gets very loud attention due to the fact that it's visible. Everyone sees the nets, the sales on the side of the road etc (and I'm sure it's distubing.) What is not recognized is that the stocks that are being harrassed on the rivers represent maybe 1 / 20th of the original returning runs. Those sockeye runs at 2 or 300,000 to the river started at 3 million.

Big business through DFO management hammer the runs all the way home - and sporties get their shots in too. Do you see the media reporting the F*****g gauntlet BS (seine fishery) in the Johnston straights?

Think about this:
The FN have a very successful political lobbying platform that should not be overlooked. The voice echos throughout and are not to be ignored.

Like so many other topics the FN issue is media driven (controlled by big business) to obscure the realities surrounding actual destruction. In fact if you compare the visible activity on the river and the recreational activity on the chuck, it may be very possible to strike up a viable working relationship.

What could this fishery look like if we provided our support in helping FN bands get directly involved in fisheries management and in turn we received their support and blessings. There is at least one major FN band on or near every major river. Maybe a balance between recreational interests and FN is not that impossible.
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath

quote:Originally posted by abbyfireguy

I think you'll see much longer and wide ranging closures. I just hope non-FN people can handle seeing the FN nets catching salmon as usual,without detailed and independent counts being adhered to.
It will be same old same old. Heaven help anyone who points out the inequity or the lack of accountability with regards to acurate numbers being harvested.You will be labelled a racist,nice.
Gotta love the race based fisheries don't you.
Last time I checked my birth certificate it said born in Vancouver.
Quess that means I own the fish stocks less than FN people,NOT!!
There will be mass revolt if specific people are allowed to fish with impunity,hope the government is pepared for the crap that will descend on the sport this year..

Do us all a favour and take your bee ess politics and chest beating to Fish BC where they love to post the same tired arguments over and over and over.[V]

Sorry I struck a nerve Dogbreath,didn't mean to in any way. I just am reporting back on the large amount of unhappy people that are not going to be fishing this summer in the Fraser Valley alone. I have had so many people stop me out steelheading and go off on a rant, its headache material.
I most likely will steer clear of river fishing most of this summer as it will be too unpleasant. I hope not , but, unfortunately there are a bunch of hotheads out there that are less than pleasant when they get their sockeye and springs taken away from their flossing line. Their problem ,not mine.
I started back saltwater fishing part of last season and really enjoyed open waters and no congestion.
The kids also saw many more sights and sounds on the ocean.
Politics are the last thing on my mind here. Don't be so quick to judge others,you may just be wrong ..[8D]
quote:Originally posted by Nimo

quote:Originally posted by new generation

I'm native,will aboriginals still be allowed to fish?

Only blindfolded with your left wrist tied to your right ankle:)

I'm sure this will go over like a tonne of bricks:
The FN fishery gets very loud attention due to the fact that it's visible. Everyone sees the nets, the sales on the side of the road etc (and I'm sure it's distubing.) What is not recognized is that the stocks that are being harrassed on the rivers represent maybe 1 / 20th of the original returning runs. Those sockeye runs at 2 or 300,000 to the river started at 3 million.

Big business through DFO management hammer the runs all the way home - and sporties get their shots in too. Do you see the media reporting the F*****g gauntlet BS (seine fishery) in the Johnston straights?

Think about this:
The FN have a very successful political lobbying platform that should not be overlooked. The voice echos throughout and are not to be ignored.

Like so many other topics the FN issue is media driven (controlled by big business) to obscure the realities surrounding actual destruction. In fact if you compare the visible activity on the river and the recreational activity on the chuck, it may be very possible to strike up a viable working relationship.

What could this fishery look like if we provided our support in helping FN bands get directly involved in fisheries management and in turn we received their support and blessings. There is at least one major FN band on or near every major river. Maybe a balance between recreational interests and FN is not that impossible.
Well said, doesent sound like a bad idea. Anyone or anything is better than DFO's pathetic attempt at managing this resource for us.